G’day, new here

Mom bred peacocks 🦚, didn’t the little pic come through?
That’s why maybe she didn’t see any for a while.
🦚, didn’t the little pic come through
Hehe, thought it was a tree... didn't think to increase the size.
(Pity that selecting emoticons they look much better than when they're inserted.)
Hope everybody is doing ok. gentle 🤗
Well had my 4 injections last week. Now for the waiting game to see if they will help for when I head off up to Alexander headland and Hervey Bay in 3 weeks.
Had my skin check Monday, went back yesterday for a biopsy behind my left knee and had a bcc excision on the left side of forehead. So I should be healed ready to holiday.
When I went in the nurse asked what type of music I like? I said 50-60 blues. She got it up on Spotify. She was singing and when the dr come in ant the 40 minutes I was in there, they “tried” to sing , tell you what , I was lucky I had a blue sheet on my face because I was doing my best to not explode in fits of giggles, but I told myself stay still 🤦🏻‍♀️ when done they asked how I was feeling and I said what more could a girl want, getting dinner and show , I said free entertainment 🤣🤣🤣
I am so very sorry for your suffering…I periodically have fibromyalgia symptoms and sometimes believe I have it really bad (the pain is almost unbearable), but then I read about your life experiences and realize just how fortunate I am. Thank you for sharing!
It sure is a struggle trying to carry on. Some days I think I can’t do this anymore but I wake with the sun each day . All our pains are pains , we’re all in this together to get us through to the next sunrise.
I got my stitches out of my forehead and back of knee on Wednesday morning. Oh my word , with all the procedures I have had and the stitches removed, these were by far the most painful. Yee ouch.
I was getting comfy in my recliner and lift my legs ready for the recliner when I felt a sudden sting of pain , oops moved leg too straight.
Well about 5 minutes later the back of my knee felt weird so I gave it a gentle rub and well , blood everywhere, all over the recliner and when I stood up it just ran all the way down to my foot. Stitches wound popped open, Bugger, bit of pressure and another Band-Aid all good. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Hello everyone. Well what a dang bugger of a week I have had. Wish I could redo it.
Well my left shoulder was getting more painful by the day. Then I totally couldn’t move it, I have never felt pain like it, my gp didn’t have a vacant appointment till Monday so I booked it and struggled on for a couple of days ( felt like weeks).
Couldn’t stand it any longer so went to an after hours clinic ( not a hospital, waiting is way too long) last Sunday, they xrayed shoulder, put me in a sling gave me some endone and send report to my gp.

Get home and had a blackout.

On the Monday got to gp and she was so thorough, no break showed on xray so ordered an ultrasound, blood test, urine test. Gave me a few scripts and booked me in with a physiotherapist.

Tuesday lunch power back on , but the surge blew out the fridge grrrrrrrr

Tuesday my daughter comes over with her 3 yo daughter Paige. Lil Paige hasn’t been well and was on antibiotics and had a follow up with her gp. We get there he tells us to take her to hospital now, we got there 6pm and I left 9am Tuesday morning. I was a mess my sweet Paige is so I’ll and hearing her screams everytime they had to do tests and IV lines it brought back those memories of my grandson 😭😭. The pain and fear in her eyes were just like my daughters when she lost her baby son.
They are still in hospital now.

I did blood test after I got home Tuesday , Wednesday I had ultrasound, Was totally so physically exhausted and in pain so I went to bed for a lay down. Had a good hours sleep but phone woke me.
It was my gp. She was ringing with blood test results. Said my inflammation markers were through the roof. All but RA factor. Asked heaps of questions. Said I had polymyalgia . Asked heaps of questions and said I need the biopsy for giant cell arterits and If i am to get another one of my headaches to go straight to her or hospital. She said it’s very dangerous to not get treatment. She has referred me to a rheumatologist, I have started high dose steroids.
I tell ya what, listening to my gp saying polymyalgia was like a massive weight being lifted.
I have done a quick Google and it’s me to a T. Now I may get some real relief. As I am always told it’s come from your neck or back. I did have a big headache today and got so concerned, how do you know how bad or how long the headache gets before you go to hospital? I will talk to gp about that next week.

Well Paige has had some milk and bread today. First food for over a week. She is still on IV for fluids and antibiotics and she smiled today 🥲
Tuesday lunch power back on , but the surge blew out the fridge
What does this mean harpy? (Did you have power outage)

Wow I'd never even heard of giant cell arthritis before!
Aw paige must have been proper poorly to have been put on an iv 😔, I did notice you'd been missing (but thought you'd come back) I hope you h is taking good care of you 💛, the fact that your grand daughter is eating is a good sign,

Also, your gp will be more diligent now, if that happens again? (hopefully it doesn't) blackouts (I'm assuming) are really scary! (My late mam used have basilar migraines and blackout,) it's all coming together now, hopefully you (and paige) will be feeling much better soon and have fun for the holidays
Tuesday lunch power back on , but the surge blew out the fridge
What does this mean harpy? (Did you have power outage)
Yes my whole suburb had a blackout ( power outage) and when it finally got repaired it zapped out our fridge.🤦🏻‍♀️

Wow I'd never even heard of giant cell arthritis before!
Apparently it is accompanied with polymyalgia.
I have had more blood tests and the chest X-ray . My gp reminded my to go to the hospital on a few occasions in our my appointment today to go straight to hospital when I get them as I can go blind and it’s not reversible 😣 . Oh boy I have been trying to educate myself on this Polymyalgia and giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis it’s also known by. My next stop is an eye test to check for damage. My rheumatologist called Friday ( day after my gp sent referral to him) , but I was up with my mom and missed his call , so waiting to here back. The quicker I can get this under some control the better.

Aw paige must have been proper poorly to have been put on an iv 😔,
The RN from the hospital had come to do checks on Paige each day for the week after she got home from hospital, she is still worryingly pale but she said she will get her colour back in a week.

I did notice you'd been missing (but thought you'd come back) I hope you h is taking good care of you 💛, the fact that your grand daughter is eating is a good sign,
I did finally get around to getting back on here to catch up but everything else went down at the same time 🤦🏻‍♀️

Also, your gp will be more diligent now, if that happens again? (hopefully it doesn't) blackouts (I'm assuming) are really scary! (My late mam used have basilar migraines and blackout,) it's all coming together now, hopefully you (and paige) will be feeling much better soon and have fun for the holidays
Was power outage, we call a blackout

How are you doing Auriel? Not doing too much I hope.

Oh yes I sure am going to enjoy the holidays with all my grandkids. Can’t wait to take them to the beach , they love it.
Oh my goodness, please listen next time you get headaches/shoulder pain (we dont want you going blind!!!) Good news about paige 👍🏻 (hope she gets colour back soon, babies cheeks should be rosey) I'm ok my annual aches and pains (but I'm going to a party on Thursday so I'm going to make myself be ok
That is one thing I couldn’t live with, being blind.

Are you going to a Christmas party? The parties are starting, yippee. Love dressing in red and green.
That is one thing I couldn’t live with, being blind
you never know until it happens - I was blind for 3 weeks (got shot in the head) surprisingly I had no problems moving around my own house I woke up one morning and could see. I always thought I would prefer to be blind then deaf - I love classical music and I may not be able to visualise in the mind a beautiful rose but I could still hear and enjoy the music being deaf I could see the beauty of a rose but never hear the beauty of music
Well put, I too love my music, but I am good at feeling the beat . though for me the thought oh not being able to see my grandkids would too much.
That is one thing I couldn’t live with, being blind.
Yes you could.

If that happened, you would have two choices: live with it or die. Unless you were suicidal you would live with it. A lot of people do.
I know several people who went blind so I am not just saying this without any knowledge or understanding of it.

I think it's a good idea never to think "I couldn't live with that", because you truly never know what you can live with or not, what you will choose to do or not do, until you are in that situation.

Thinking that you couldn't live with something only creates a situation within yourself that would make your life more miserable than it would need to be if you end up faced with the thing you fear. And you never know what might happen.

Most of the time, people find that they can and do live with everything that life throws at them because they have no reasonable choice but to do so.
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