Hello everyone. Well what a dang bugger of a week I have had. Wish I could redo it.
Well my left shoulder was getting more painful by the day. Then I totally couldn’t move it, I have never felt pain like it, my gp didn’t have a vacant appointment till Monday so I booked it and struggled on for a couple of days ( felt like weeks).
Couldn’t stand it any longer so went to an after hours clinic ( not a hospital, waiting is way too long) last Sunday, they xrayed shoulder, put me in a sling gave me some endone and send report to my gp.
Get home and had a blackout.
On the Monday got to gp and she was so thorough, no break showed on xray so ordered an ultrasound, blood test, urine test. Gave me a few scripts and booked me in with a physiotherapist.
Tuesday lunch power back on , but the surge blew out the fridge grrrrrrrr
Tuesday my daughter comes over with her 3 yo daughter Paige. Lil Paige hasn’t been well and was on antibiotics and had a follow up with her gp. We get there he tells us to take her to hospital now, we got there 6pm and I left 9am Tuesday morning. I was a mess my sweet Paige is so I’ll and hearing her screams everytime they had to do tests and IV lines it brought back those memories of my grandson

. The pain and fear in her eyes were just like my daughters when she lost her baby son.
They are still in hospital now.
I did blood test after I got home Tuesday , Wednesday I had ultrasound, Was totally so physically exhausted and in pain so I went to bed for a lay down. Had a good hours sleep but phone woke me.
It was my gp. She was ringing with blood test results. Said my inflammation markers were through the roof. All but RA factor. Asked heaps of questions. Said I had polymyalgia . Asked heaps of questions and said I need the biopsy for giant cell arterits and If i am to get another one of my headaches to go straight to her or hospital. She said it’s very dangerous to not get treatment. She has referred me to a rheumatologist, I have started high dose steroids.
I tell ya what, listening to my gp saying polymyalgia was like a massive weight being lifted.
I have done a quick Google and it’s me to a T. Now I may get some real relief. As I am always told it’s come from your neck or back. I did have a big headache today and got so concerned, how do you know how bad or how long the headache gets before you go to hospital? I will talk to gp about that next week.
Well Paige has had some milk and bread today. First food for over a week. She is still on IV for fluids and antibiotics and she smiled today