people in the medical profession baffle me sometimes
Hehe, I think it's us human with very individual bodies which baffle them, cos they have the attitude and learn that only generalizations are truth. Also fits that they believe they are thinking scientifically. That's exactly what my GP says, who says on his sign in front of the office that he does acupuncture, homeopathy etc. He's seen for years how I overreact to loads of things, very unscientifically. If that's science, my body doesn't subscribe to it

. But it's not. Science is looking at reality neutrally, not with tons of preconceptions. The preconceptions often "paid for by pharmacy". Since I first looked at cancer studies decades ago in comparison to other "sciences", I realized all these so-called experts are just as human as fallible, and are jumping to conclusions all the time, because without that they wouldn't get anywhere. Presuppositions and false conclusions give them the hope that they know what they are doing. Of course this does lead to helpful ways of working on the body. But the gleanings are maybe 50%, not 90% like they like to believe (so they can go home happy).
Real scientists and good doctors know that they don't know much. There are regular articles in the medical journals imploring doctors to involve and co-operate with their patients more when it comes to what they might have and what might be best to do, considering how bad their rate of diagnosis is. I just tried to find it and just found something saying 4.3% as the lowest possible estimate, but I'm very sure it was more like 40% misdiagnosis. OK "doctors 40% misdiagnosis" brings up loads of the various types of problems that can happen for certain things. "According to the World Economic Forum, 40
% of patients with a rare disease received more than one wrong diagnosis before the actual cause was found." Well, don't we know that we can add lots of other things that can go wrong, like decade long Odysses or just not finding the actual cause.
Again the main problem for me is that they don't like to admit their fallibility, but I think that's due to high expectations they put on themselves and people put on them. So that's one of the first things I always make sure my docs know: I don't expect anything from them, but if they have an idea, a suggestion, I'm listening, and if they are prepared to serve me, I'll be coming again.