Well, there may be opposing views, but I think as long as we are polite and stating only our own opinions it's OK to discuss things like this.
Human beings are my least favorite species, but in general I am just not fond of primates the way I am of other animals. I avoid people for the most part for many reasons.
But while I sometimes feel I "hate people", I don't really and truly. I avoid people, yes. I don't trust people. But I don't completely blame us for what we have done. Yes, the destruction of our own habitat is definitely our own fault.....we are responsible for that. But, when I think about how, as
@BlueBells says, as far back as the cave people it already started going in the wrong direction, I am reminded of children and the fact that it is now scientifically proven that human brains do not fully mature until they are about 25 years old. Prior to that, the full functioning of reason, ability to conceive of consequences, and rational methodic process is usually not present, or is not present to the degree it is at maturity.
Then, I consider that most human beings, until very recently like the past hundred years, didn't live very long. Prior to that, most people were reproducing at 13, and dying at 30. Right about when they were getting some sense, they were old and died.
And I think of the species in the same way. A species also has to mature, and ours has not been around for really all that long, let alone with the ability to do what we have done in the past 200 years. Human beings have these huge brains and opposable thumbs and we have been able to invent things. We got extremely far ahead of ourselves. Everyone figured, (for example) if we have invented plastic, we should use it! And sell it! and make money and so on. No one even thought about the consequences.....where does it go? Oh....does it biodegrade? And by the time people like Rachel Carson started sounding the alarm it was already 1960 and pretty much too late because no one really believed it, and no one wanted to give up convenience, and no one who was making money on it wanted to stop making the money. We could have stopped it then, but didn't because not enough people were willing to take it seriously. Or cared enough about the future.
That's immaturity, right there. Like a teenager who is having fun doing something dangerous and doesn't believe that the accident that maims them for life could happen.
There was not the equivalent of an Adult around for the human species, to keep us in check and teach us to think about the consequences of our actions.
I think of the current situation as our destiny. I don't think it could have gone any different way. It could go a different way now, but it's too late, and there are too many people, and politics and greed will prevent there being enough done to save our species from our fate. To me, the good news is that the planet will recover and be fine once we are gone.
Sure wish I could come back in a thousand years and see it.