Hi guys, well finished my 4 th batch of antibiotics in three months. If they didn’t help this time I was to take the referral and get a sinus CT.
Had it done last Monday. My gp rang yesterday and had a early appointment for me this morning to give me the results.
The report says I have
‘ severe sinonasal polyposis’ .
There is extensive mucosal thickening in both maxillary antra, both ethmoid air cells and the sphenoid sinus.
The frontal sinuses are under pneumatised.
Both ostiomeatal complexes are occluded with soft tissue material.
My gp to me I need surgery and referred me to a ENT surgeon. Steroid spray can’t shrink the polyps as they’re as there a good size.
Oh I am so relieved I actually have a result. It can be fixed, Well eventually , bet you I end up on a long waiting list

She did say if I don’t hear back from them in a few weeks to go back to her and she will find another ENT.