G’day, new here

Oh John that’s awesome. Is he a new bubba?
So so sorry you are having so much pain. I sympathise and recognise your problems. Being in pain and not being able to control the pain is shocking and causes deep depression. I feel for you. Sending hugs hope you have a decent day. Nan 🤗🤗🤗
Hi guys, well finished my 4 th batch of antibiotics in three months. If they didn’t help this time I was to take the referral and get a sinus CT.
Had it done last Monday. My gp rang yesterday and had a early appointment for me this morning to give me the results.
The report says I have
‘ severe sinonasal polyposis’ .
There is extensive mucosal thickening in both maxillary antra, both ethmoid air cells and the sphenoid sinus.
The frontal sinuses are under pneumatised.
Both ostiomeatal complexes are occluded with soft tissue material.
My gp to me I need surgery and referred me to a ENT surgeon. Steroid spray can’t shrink the polyps as they’re as there a good size.
Oh I am so relieved I actually have a result. It can be fixed, Well eventually , bet you I end up on a long waiting list 🤦🏻‍♀️
She did say if I don’t hear back from them in a few weeks to go back to her and she will find another ENT.
Well it was my lucky day yesterday. I got a call of the ENT I was referred to and see them early November WHOOOOOHOOOOO. Timing is perfect as I am off to Hervey Bay in Queensland from mid October for 2 weeks with a group of my friends.
Today I had an injection in my Right C2/3. 9am tomorrow I get an injection in my Right C5/6.
Thursday and Friday I get an injection in my SI joints. Then hopefully if I behave and let them work i hopefully will get a little relief while on holiday.
the problem with a false summer ie tempts go high then suddenly drop is that snake come out of hibernation then when the cold breaks they get quite angry and are very dangerous. reported today a brown snake taking a drink out of the dog bowl - this is not one of our most deadly snakes but it is the fastest- and will chase you or even stand up on its tail and attack the grill of the car.
Oh boy, lucky our dogs bowls are inside. But all our fish ponds 😖 we had chased red bellies out of them. It’s true about the brows, we had one about 4 years ago working it’s way to the house and I had a hard rake trying to get it away , it was only a metre long but was up on its tail striking at me, even at that size it freaked me out, but took off and never seen it again.
what a beautiful snake.
I love living in a place where there are lots of snakes.
on the farm we had black snakes around the house yard browns down around the milking shed and death adders came up from the river during the drought and took up residence in the house yard.- the karabash dog that used to look after the sheep made short time with the blacks throwing them up in the air etc until the peacocks came in to finish it off. - Peacocks are also called snake birds. the death adder is the fastest striking snake in Aus and one of the only snakes that moves around at night - my partner is Koori and her animal totem is a dead adder so I assume that's why we never had a strike from them around the house.
what a beautiful snake.
I love living in a place where there are lots of snakes.
that snakes venom is one of the most potent of all known snake venoms- it not only bites once but will keep biting over and over again
Oz has a good selection of some of the most venomous snakes in the world, I know. Here, there are only 2 kinds that are venomous and neither is anywhere near as deadly as what you have there. I love all of them, but of course I encourage the venomous ones to leave the vicinity of my yard because I have dogs.
Oz has a good selection of some of the most venomous snakes i
just about everything down here is highly venomous except of course the Aussies - just be careful where you walk where you stand where you sit where your lay your head where you swim and of course take a big stick if you use an outside toilet. but apart from that its a nice place to visit;)
My mom bred 🦚, maybe that’s why she said we never seen snakes for ages.
Beautiful birds but on my the clean up after them sleeping on the verandah railings, poo so stinky.
My mom bred
Bred what? 👀 😄
We have a mate who is expert on breeding snakes as well as tweetie birds and pigeons. And no these are not for the snakes, he breeds other things for those...
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