G’day, new here

The forums given birth to a new Aussie baby her name is bluebells (and she's cute) just thought I'd let you know, if you + john (or anyone) want to say hello to her 🐨 🌴🎍
hahahaha thank you Auriel, and I like you name too. :)

I found this from the "latest posts" list . So, still learning here
That's good, Harpy (i didn't even know there was a thing as sinus Mri's
My sinus will be a ct scan, the MRI is the one John is having .
(another new thing ive learned, AND i just found out Eff2013 is from Victoria!)
Aussie Aussie Aussie ? ? ?
glad they're being thorough with theyre investigatiins @johnsalmon (travelling really takes its toll!), i find the longer the travel the more pain and tired I am by the time I come back (and the following days after)
🐨 🦘🌴
Driving is definitely my major flare upper. Oh it’s terrible how we suffer in a Vehicle 🥴
the MRI is the one John is having
when I was 17 years old I got shot in the head just above the eye - it hit that hard ridge that males have just above the eye and flatten out against the skull ( if it had been higher or lower then I would not have got fibro ) I was blind for 2 weeks but every time I get a mri I have to explain where the lead is as it causes a black shadow around the area. It does not worry a Cat Scan however. Yes it was my best mate that shot me his job was to shoot the rats etc in the wool store but he was supposed to use rat shot - as soon as I walked thro the door I realised what was going to happen and started to lower my self below the wool bales - I don't think he has ever touched a gun after that. I tell my step grandsons apart from having played Union I am the man of steel:)
That’s a story you’d never forget. Wow, they left the pellet in your head? 😳
Does it react differently in MRI to ct ?
John , where is the bullet, under your skull? 🥴
John , where is the bullet, under your skull? 🥴
its actually between the skin and the skull; - most of it was taken out by the hospital; but part of it spread out and was solidity attached to the bone. does not worry me.
Has it cause headaches. You are one lucky person.
Has it cause headaches. You are one lucky person.
no - I went blind as soon as it hit its true you never feel the bullet I just felt the blood running over the eye - my sight came back slowly after the 2 weeks I was in a house that I knew during the 2 weeks so I could move around quite easily the worse thing was trying to explain to the policeman that it just went off when I was cleaning it! he never believed me and I think he had a long talk to David
does not worry me.
Like my spinal tumour - I like to call that "my bullet in my back" for laughs.
Yours sounds scarier, mine potentially more worrisome (cos it's all guesses what kind of tumour it is)?
But I don't care.
(My wife asked me whether I'm not worrying about my bloods and bladder results that are now gonna be done as a workaround for that nutty onco doc. Nope, not in the least. - But she is. And I spose I'd be worrying more if it was her. But honestly, I'm not worrying that much about her risky things, I have to take things as they are and day for day, otherwise I'd be lost and she would too.)
I'm annoyed that things are taking so long for you, jaycs (I don't understand why they're dragging it all out, like how hard is it to give someone blood tests) oh I like how you're laid back and not stressing (but not ignoring the situation, it's a good healthy balanced way to see things) 😎👍🏻🤍
I'm annoyed that things are taking so long for you, jaycs (I don't understand why they're dragging it all out, like how hard is it to give someone blood tests) oh I like how you're laid back and not stressing (but not ignoring the situation, it's a good healthy balanced way to see things) 😎👍🏻🤍
That's sweet 🌹, my wife is annoyed too, that's sort of by proxy.
Not sure I said yet another annoying thing the onco doc did which I only just realized...: I think I did say that they'd refused to hand out the bloods before sending a report, but they're not sending the report. He's on holiday 3 weeks now. So I got my GP to ask for the bloods, and they did condescend to send them to him....... some. And he said he had no idea what to do with them, so I sort of had the feeling that these will be the onco ones. But when the uro asked me about the PSA level I realized that they must have taken it, but didn't send it, and as far as I can see no other tumour markers. So they just sent half the bloods. I'll compare when the uro sends me his bloods.
The onco needs a big fat kick up the bum. I'm going to be waiting six months (from the 24th of April on) and if I don't get the report and the tumour bloods by then, then they're going to get one from me - the medical association, the papers, my insurance - whatever I can think of, I'll try. But patience first... saving up the glee.
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It seems like laid back behaviour and silly confusions are an all roo common thing (people in the medical profession baffle me sometimes) 🙄
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