G’day, new here

Same from me too, john Salmon. hope it goes well 👍🏻
Well guys I am so excited today.
For 1 I am just about to go in for my osteopath appointment which I missed last fortnight because of the sinus infection.
2 in a couple hours I get to meet my new dr. At a new clinic, I have been with my current medical centre for just over 40 years. But seeing my gp retired after a long illness and now I find I do not like any of the new drs there. Plus I am so over the receptionist when you need to make an appointment you can book online for.
Cool. Aw, good luck, harpy. Hope your new dr is a nice (and thorough) one. Wow, 40 years is a long time to be with a practice, in our surgery we have to tell our receptionist what our medical issue is (as a way to see if we're a priority or not, i hate doing that) , anyway hope it goes well
Oh I would definitely not like to “report” into the receptionist first! No way .
That don’t seem right or fair.
The only time I ever got asked why I needed to see my gp was because I turned up 5 hours early on the day I had an appointment. as I had an emergency dash to a big Sydney hospital and needed my meds while I was down there.
I told her I need to see my dr , he told me if I ever need to see him to come in, and I need to see him and I went and sat down. Lucky my gp came out of his room and the receptionist went over to him . Well my gp called me straight in . If I wasn’t a crying blubbering mess I would have flipped her the bird on the way in.
My osteopath worked his magic again and now off for a little shopping and coffee before new dr appointment 🤗
brain fog - m y appointment was thursday not Wednesday - got to get up at an ungodly hour 2 days in a row now
Yeah, happened to me a few weeks ago, just it was 4 days before. I was sure it said that in all my gadgets, but then looked it up, and it wasn't, then I was sure the reminder paper I'd got said that, wasn't either. I could stay, but my docs are all near, so no problem anyway. Just laughing about the fog.
brain fog - m y appointment was thursday not Wednesday - got to get up at an ungodly hour 2 days in a row now
Oh don’t you hate that lol. Happens too often.
Well John I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow lol 😂
I got to new medical clinic and nurse called me in , did a quick physical and my new dr called me in.
Great first impression 😄. She has given me an antibiotic nasal spray to help clear this sinus. If this don’t help she will send me for a scan.
The receptionists were very friendly. So I got a new patient form and took it over to my usual clinic and got them to send my files over to new practice. Cost $55 to press a button on computer, geez 🙄.
The forums given birth to a new Aussie baby her name is bluebells (and she's cute) just thought I'd let you know, if you + john (or anyone) want to say hello to her 🐨 🌴🎍
hello bluebells =- its 6.32am and dam cold or in aussie flaming cold - getting dressed making lunch and then giving the dog her alone all day treat then waiting for the medical car.
got a two page printout of ALL the problems for the Doctor. It would be nice if I could use voodoo and burn the document or turn it upside down in the freezer and all the listeds problems would disappear - actually might try that!
Yes! Stick it in the freezer john salmon! (I read a little ritual before involving ice cubes and people's names, apparently a way to keep them away from you 😄) also if you put this @ in front of her name it'll call her over to here (cos she might not know it's there for her) ✨🧚🏻‍♂️✨
Bluebells is such a pretty name.
I have heard the same things about names and ice cubes.
Yeh crikey it’s cold and foggy this morning. 5 am get up to do grandkid school runs and some how lol miss 2 , I have all day 😉🤗
a long day and a lot of travel - dr wants more detailed blood test (expected) - he had a poke and prod - next week another long day to the neurologist he will probably want an MRI but that next room to him so no wait for the mri or the results .
Well good to hear some one here is moving forward.
Not too far to wait for MRI, that’s a plus.
That's good, Harpy (i didn't even know there was a thing as sinus Mri's (another new thing ive learned, AND i just found out Eff2013 is from Victoria!) glad they're being thorough with theyre investigatiins @johnsalmon (travelling really takes its toll!), i find the longer the travel the more pain and tired I am by the time I come back (and the following days after)
🐨 🦘🌴
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