How are you today?

Yeh swooping magpies are scary. I got hit in the temple pre fibro when I used to walk. Our magpies have nested in the same nest for years . We can hand feed two of them. I see them swoop the neighbour's and people who bicycle, sorry makes me chuckle šŸ¤­
I agree JayCs, I too am doing as much as I can to help our pollinators. We need them in our world very much.
b ack in the days I was flying with Qantas geese where reported at very high altitudes I nev er saw any but I once saw a big white bunny flying on a equal heading - It was of course Hugh Hefners plane he had a big playboy bunny on the tail the plane was painted black an d the bunny white and it was fully lit up looked good at night The dc9 was called the Big Bunny
I got hit in the temple pre fibro when I used to walk.
Really, people?! I've never heard of that, but just read up it's Australian magpies that do that, not our Eurasian ones.
Ours have the black and white distributed almost opposite, except head and tail black, so belly incl. "Turkish trousers" are purest white.
They're only distantly related, yours aren't corvid (crow family) they're a special family for your continent etc.
And yours can sing, sort of like they've swallowed a didgeridoo? :LOL: - ours mainly rap-chatter loudly in public, it's only when they're getting gentle that they can make cute squeaks.
Birds we have that swoop are mainly seagulls, esp. at holiday resorts, for food. They don't need to hurt people at all though, even really big ones can pinch a burger out of an unaware person's hand no trouble. Just don't let a nimble jackdaw (perhaps like your "little crow") be near when they're trying to eat it.... :D
we have several that swoop - on the farm we have the wedge tailed eagle that likes to attempt to pick up small dog breeds like a mini foxie and the Powerful Owl that loves cats - our magpies do have a beautiful song . the australian crow is quite rare and fully protected - what people think are crows are actually ravens which are not protected. personally as a farmer I don't like either
I thought with a name like that it'd be bigger than our Uhu (eagle owl), but ours is (6ft vs. 4.4 ft wings).
its our largest owl and fairly rare this one has caught itself a possum. I was lucky to have one at the last farm I owned. These owls come out in the daylight
ts our largest owl and fairly rare this one has caught itself a possum. I was lucky to have one at the last farm I owned. These owls come out in the daylight
Lucky: Are possums bad for farmers, like keeping cats, or was it just that it's so rare and doesn't harm much?
Daylight: Wow, our Uhus don't "ever", makes them more mysterious (zoo demystifies). We've sometimes had a "family" in our town. Impressive photo, impressive sight.
actually I felt quite lucky to have one on the farm - we used to log all birds in the valley for the national park . We had a lyre bird across the creek - if you started the chain saw and then turned it off you could still hear a chain saw going - slam the car door and over the creek you would hear a car door slam the number of sounds they c ould p[roduce was amazing we also had a family of quolls she would have 5 or 6 babies that could not fit into her pouch so they would ride on her back some would fall off and would then run like the dickens to get back on - we have some weird birds and animals down here.
It's great to hear of everybody's experience in nature, it must do us some good. When I stretch my legs in the garden each morning, it's great to watch the busy bees up close. A friend of mine was telling me about feeding birds and fish by hand. That would be great to try.

Aw, I'm loving all these posts!!! (I'm learning so many new things) like I didn't know there were different types of magpies! I've got a strange soft spot for owls too (white ones best; I'm looking for a print of 1 to put on my wall) pelicans came up on youtube feed today (I'm baffled how they eat food!, like what happens after it's in their giant pocket mouth) I think they're beautiful to look at, but they'll eat anything! (including other birds! šŸ™€) Anyway happy Sunday everyone!
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I actually thought that was a quote badger (so much so I gšŸ‘€gled it), but they ended up giving me an Eskimo game with the choice of catching fish or socks! šŸ šŸ¦‹ šŸŖØ
You never know with the Internet, I hope you had fun šŸ˜€ It's a haiku that came to mind but I can't remember where I read it. Realized I had forgotten to separate the lines, the edit option is gone now, nevermind.
Getting checked for stroke cos of 8h of severe vertigo high blood pressure and wonky gait etc. - seems excluded via MRI and lots more tho... šŸ‘, but more to go Friday, maybe Monday.
Not suffering, and got my mat to sleep on and my own food, they're very understanding.
Beeping monitors all day and night, oh how I'm looking forward to my garden again... :)