How are you today?

Hoping to treat anxiety with some breathing exercises today. After a benefits check yesterday since money is tight I applied for Universal Credit which needs a sick note. It's been a few years since I saw a doctor, one called me back this morning. I explained the situation, he mentioned physio and said it doesn't sound like I'm interested. I told him I would see a physio for an up to date appointment but it's a case of not being sure what can help.

I told him the pain clinic declined to see me anymore because there is nothing they can offer. Before the first UK lockdown I did see a rheumatology physio and talk through my daily activity. I'll see the physio and give it a try but I'll have to be straight with them about my condition. As I told the doctor it's not just deconditioning as I get older, but pain from injuries still hurting for the most part.

There must be something wrong if medication, rest and exercise haven't helped. The worst such as whiplash or hamstring just flare up leaving me worse off. More recently my right elbow is still tight and sore months later. My left bicep is quite sore a few years after exercise. The sick note will last for 3 months so at least I can make a start with Uni Credit. Anxious getting involved as PIP was bad enough and that's due again in 2025.
Ugh I used to hate getting sick notes (having to explain to reception why you need to see the dr and then again to the dr on a regular basis, kinda felt like child or Oliver twist asking for more food) I'm glad your willing to see physio (maybe it'll help your bicep and hamstring, but if its from a flaire up then I doubt it) but your showing willing so your trying, and "they'll" probably like that too) all the best badger hope you get everything you need
Thank you very much, I didn't recognise the doctor's voice and wondered if he would have read about my history. It's difficult explaining it in short, I thought I would agree to a physio appointment in case they assume I'm not willing to help myself. Doctor's have been harsh with me in the past. It would be an up to date conversation at least were I shall be straight to the point.

I know what you mean about asking for sick notes, the thought of going through it turned my stomach. I'd rather have my health and be left alone. As I said to my brother it's more than a general ache and becoming deconditioned. Years later and old injuries still hurt so something must be going on.
bad day today - about 9pm last night started shaking just about every muscle in the body thought it might be the cold so put the heater on and no change so closed down the computer and went to bed - the shakes were serve and went on for about 3 hours then stopped and I went to sleep next at about 2pm had to go to toilet and started to get out of bed and found myself on the floor with no muscle control all the muscle had loss strength and could not move - partner rang the ambulance and ended up in hospital - emergency ward - doctor had just signed off so had to wait till 8am to see him however gradually regained strength in muscle very slowly - saw doctor and he checked me out and no reason could be found - back home muscles are still weak using a walking stick to stop falling over. will be seeing my neurologist 10th august and I feel that this problem is more in his area. was a frightening experience - my house is not really suitable for a wheelchair so if it keeps happening I do not know what I will do. The experience was in no way within the fibromyalgia domain more so I think still associated with a CNS problem
Sorry to hear this John, it’s scary when your body does this stuff. When my body played tricks on me a couple months back I was scared, though I never had the shaking I lost all muscle control, couldn’t move, couldn’t talk.
Thankfully for me it’s not happened again. “Touch wood” 🪵.
Hope you’re feeling ok and it doesn’t happen again.
Hopefully the neurologist can help clear things John, that sounded like a frightening experience. Glad to hear that you seem to be back to normal at the moment.
John salmon, I just read about what happened to you and believe me I can relate. Something similar happened to me about two days ago. I am still trying to recover. I woke up at about 1 in the morning with a racing heart and severe internal tremors. My entire body was shaking uncontrollably. It was very scary. What made things worse was feeling pins and needles in both arms. My poor husband thought I was having a heart attack. We called an ambulance and went straight to emergency. They did all the regular checks and kept me there for about 9 hours. The whole body shaking thing had stopped when we got there.
They recommended I follow up with my GP to have a stress test and maybe a h pylori breath test. You said you’re seeing a neurologist, I would love to hear what he has to say to you. I know what happened to me is probably something completely different but somehow I believe mine is related to my CNS.
I am glad you’re feeling better John.
Anyway, so how is everyone today? for me, I've been having flaire ups for a few weeks but cleaning the house now (so tempted to go to bed, legs have been challenging, having the music on helps 😉) hope everyone's ok (in the general sense and fibro one but it's probably not the case fibro being fibro) 👍🏻😊 😙💗
Hi Auriel, sorry to hear your flares ups sticking around. Hoping you did lay down for a short rest.
The house cleaning never ends.
Touch 🪵 my fibro is ok atm. 🤞 I am still struggling with this sinus infection. Finished 2nd lot antibiotics yesterday and still chock o block full and stuff in the face.
I also finished a months twice a day efudex (skin cancer cream) treatment on my chin and cheek near my ear and its burning . But only has to peel and grow new skin be healed in two weeks. A long process but much easier to just cut them out.
Definitely make sure you take a break Auriel, the housework is always work in progress. I'll take a break this afternoon, it's been stressful with benefit claim, council tax and making ends meet. Sounds like a uncomfortable treatment Harpy, but less intrusive at least.
Have you got any outside support for your benefit letter badger (like a support letter from your gp) paperwork can get overwhelming sometimes 😩, I did do a lot in one go (thing is i felt really good at the time, now my back's been letting me know how good I've done in it's own "special" way 😄)