How are you today?

cleaning the house now
Ooh, dangerous aim, I hope it was worth it! I aim for half a room at at time and if it's two halves I'm pleased.
struggling with this sinus infection.... antibiotics ... skin cancer cream... burning
Not nice at all, hope your gut tolerates the antibiotics.

Hope the fibro stays down both of ya.
Mine's OK too, just 'energy' is down, under 18%. But everything else it's fun to see coming up and knowing exactly how to get it down again...
Wary as ever, for the "fatigue" I'm finally going for low d.ose n.altrexone and also methylene blue, which is now a buzz on the summits, doubt that's warranted, but I think any harm should be reversible. Also adjusted some supp dosages.

Happiness as my biggest asset got a damper this week, 3 dead baby birds in my garden. Physical result is strained neck, gut gurgling and stabbing, and a histamine overload, first for an hour or two stress energy and less stiffness (fun, cos it feels 'normal') with troubled sleep, then a sinus headache with severe nausea, cold showering & GABA helps. Recovering....
The 3rd, first thing in the morning, pushed me over the edge for 10 minutes, gave me what my wife calls a nervous breakdown. We'd been following all 3 early on, and cheering them on, that was the main problem for both of us, plus of course quite a few things to be sad about, which funnels in something like that. 3rd turned out to be a kamikaze baby pigeon that lived on with a broken wing. But after watching for 1 day and then trying to wrap it like an expert said for another and in a guinea pig cage in the garden for safety, it got time for the end and like I'd hoped it was likely a kestrel that did a clean job, never been so relieved at the resulting sight. Now I've seen (and buried) it all, and am "adjusting my hope scale" for the other babies (2 robins, several tits, dunnocks and sparrows) and coming up (1-2 pigeons, found an egg shell of theirs yesterday). If I manage that, I won't have to be glad when brooding season's over.
It's a bugger when that happens Auriel, easy done overdoing it, hopefully you can get some rest overnight. I don't have any outside support as such but went through it on the phone with citizens advice and with them joining the call to apply for universal credit. Typical luck I couldn't log into my bank account to print documents, the sods didn't even call back after me farting about with the online assistant... Nevermind, whiskey on the weekend 😉
Aw I hope everything gets sorted out @Badger; (citizens' advice are usually good at helping with things) let's hope it all gets sorted out soon (cos it is a bit stressful) 🫂🍀🥃
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I hope it was worth it! [/I]
I'd say it was worth it (though my back might have another opinion : ), 1 room complete, the other almost complete, 2 quarters of the 3rd nearly done and I'm sad for the baby birds jaycs, animal/nature life can be just as sad as people life sometimes (I know not everyone will agree) 🪶🪶🪶
Fair play to you for making such an effort with the birds jaycs, it pulls on the heartstrings but can be so rewarding too. It can feel like an aviary here, the magpies like having a splash in the bird bath.

it pulls on the heartstrings
Ah, thanks for that, the magpie photo reminds me of our first and biggest loss of the year, our "Jacob", our balcony magpie for many months in the winter, who learnt to stab up the hanging fat balls so all others big and small just had to pick up the pieces....
Oh, what's happening Harpy? Are things coming back again? (Or is it just preventative measures) 🧡🤗🧡
The squamous cell carcinoma near my ear isn’t too big and skin specialist wanted to use efudex to clear it out instead of excision. My chin had multiple bcc so she thought just do em both, but cream also brings out others around it , so many on the chin that it’s almost all inflamed red and angry. Cheek has not the one scc but seems also five others around it. Have to ring and get an appointment for a check to see if she if happy with the months treatment or to extend it.
But even though it’s uncomfortable I am going to ask to do my nose and then both cheeks. I have really bad sun damaged skin, growing running a farm my face and arms were constantly burnt. So my own fault.
Sounds like an uncomfortable treatment Harpy, but less intrusive at least.
It sure is uncomfortable but I’d rather a cut it out and heal it. But going by my chin not sure on that. I have had a melanoma on my left calf and back of right shoulder and so many cut off my face one day I will end up with a face lift 😂😂
I like magpies (handsome birds) they know how to dress (classic black and white and stick with it) if i ever see one I always hope another'll come along for luck
🐦‍⬛😙 🩵
I like magpies (handsome birds) they know how to dress (classic black and white and stick with it) if i ever see one I always hope another'll come along for luck
🐦‍⬛😙 🩵
They sure are handsome birds. This time of year we always feed them more. Stops them swooping .
Stops them swooping .
magpies according to research can remember the faces of humans that are unkind to them thus they also recognise the faces of those that feed them etc. I talk to my magpies , provide then with hair after a haircut for nesting and give them a treat every now and then we have them in the kitchen if we leave the door open and feeding out of the dog bowl. I have never had one swoop on me
Stops them swooping
I have never had one swoop on me
Swoop on nestlings and eggs I think Harpy means... - that's one reason why I feed a lot, too, same with jays and squirrels. But also the other birds to strengthen the littl'uns. The last years all bird and nature people recommend now to feed all year round, cos we don't have much insects and bees - the birds are next... Also the reason for making my garden as insect and bird friendly as I can.
magpies according to research can remember the faces of humans that are unkind to them thus they also recognise the faces of those that feed them etc.
Ah, yeah, pigeons can too.
Magpies actually (praps) far more: The Eurasian magpie can maybe recognize itself in the mirror it was found 2008, the only non-mammal and one of only very few species that has been found to, also it's considered one of the cleverest species there is.
(But there's not one single animal where it's been proven that they all can, and a replication of the magpie study didn't work. What surprised me is that dogs and jackdaws apparently can't at all, and of 18 month old babies only half, altho those human studies have been challenged too - that it may be more.)

Been wondering whether our swifts really sleep whilst flying at night. Turns out, yes: very high up, at an average speed of 23k!
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