How are you today?

@JayCS, are you ok? 🫂💙
Thanks for checking in, Auriel! 👐
Stroke's been excluded, now they're looking for other causes, so I'm still in till Mon/Tues.
Energy's gone from 18% last Mon/Tues to 8% since Wednesday: the vertigo attack itself, still some vertigo yesterday, all the talking, the contrast for CAT and MRI, the blood meds, harder sleep - mentally no problem, still buoyant as ever, but physically this may end in worst case weeks/months of recovery, which'd also mean it not being sensible to get bladder/onco checked, additionally complicated.
All very well for docs and wife to recommend to take the meds to "make sure I stay alive". But if it wasn't a stroke and my heart's brilliant, my blood vessels fairly OK, there's the risk of taking the meds and praps not being able to play table tennis anymore, being able to talk with people less? It's not just quantity of life vs. quality, it's also table tennis maybe being better for the quantity than the meds. Table tennis is tentative and fickle enough as it is - long given up picking up any balls, not counting any more, hardly moving... Or it'll dull my head like many meds, so I won't be able to
But I spose I have to give those meds another chance, at least in very small doses.
Just last time it was before the jabs triggered the MCAS, who knows what'll happen now...
:rolleyes: - maybe I'll be back in the clubs dancing in no time 🕺 :ROFLMAO:
Had 2 nights alone, peace at last. Now a room mate, seems OK, but 10' talking was too much for me. And in the background someone now crying out, disturbing in all senses of the word. Ear plugs soon.
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I hope the table tennis won't go (cos you like that) what type of food are they giving you? (people complain about hospital food sometimes but I've gad some nice omelettes and nut-roasts in some) I hope they find out what's making you poorly (cos you've been down for a fair few month's now), I'm gonna wish you better soon so you can ping pong! And be back in the garden with the birds and squirrel's (and showing me and harpy more gardening things) 51S+5gbnU9L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg
what type of food are they giving you? (people complain about hospital food sometimes but I've gad some nice omelettes and nut-roasts in some)
3 apples a day... :ROFLMAO: No, seriously, I take only those 🍎🍎🍎 (luckily not too sour), and apart from that my wife brings me all my raw veggies, glasses of beans, nuts & fruits, yogurts, gluten-free muesli, wholemeal buns & dark chocolate from home. - We've learnt to trust no restaurant and no hospital to give me what I need (last example I got cow milk instead of almond milk).
So when the docs & nurses come in they grin ear to ear and say: Ah, yeah, I already know you eat your own food and sleep on the floor. All very agreeable, except one grumpy male nurse that came in griping to his colleague if that isn't unhygienic someone sitting and sleeping on the floor. She answered him: I think he's old enough to know what he's doing. When she went out after him later, she said to me: Don't take my colleague seriously, he's "robust". I'd've used a different word. But actually we didn't clash like I'd expected, he (suddenly) kept emphasizing how much they are out to meet all my needs. Praps he was influenced by the fact that someone in my family had worked on the ward - weirdo turns to someone to respect ;) - I love being a master of understatement - trickery - trickster. Or by the fact that I'm paying optional benefits out of pocket, to get better sleep by being in a 2 bed room, not 4-6, and not using the bed or food should be getting loads 💰 back if the world were fair 😁. My new room mate is nice, quiet, considerate and we both like the window open for air and sun. When I made motions to explain all my supp capsules, he said: no worry at all, if I grin about anything it's just I've never seen anything like that before and it's fun seeing how others live.
A few hours ago my wife had taken me out on my virgin wheelchair drive which shocked him when I came back, but it was just so that I can go out 1000 yards instead of 200. I was surprised it was fun for my wife. I felt a bit like Andy in Little Britain being pushed around by a Lou with Münchausen by proxy wanting me to allow to be cared for. It actually wasn't bad, except all the jolts and sitting for my back and sometimes having to hold my "heavy" head. I was surprised that I could actually see more of the world and wasn't used to a "speed" I don't often get to for long. But walking slowly I can see and identify lots of plants around the hospital wing. But I realize I hardly ever give my wife a chance to help me, so she feels useless, powerless, nothing to do. Well the way things are going she might be getting more than she bargained for, which I spose she already long has. But as yet I'm not ready for it.

Reading up Munchausen (Münchhausen) I saw "Munchausen by Internet" for people feigning on forums, sometimes called "cybermunch(ers)" - I first thought why "munch"... 😁 as a German I don't get it as quick, cos we all grow up with the story of that Baron riding on a cannonball and pulling himself out of a bog. After wondering why I don't recall such cybermunchers I realized we have had a few, just they were quickly unmasked in the first posts.
It sounds like you've got it together in there (and future plans for mrs. 😄 ) i used to watch little Britain (didn't know they showed that in germany!) Cybermunchers? Never heard that term (our munch in slang is eat!) trolls and energy vampires ( they like to make drama, soak up attention and drain people (they're everywhere I used to attract them like flies, I learned to recognise them and avoid early now!) Have fun!!! 🤗🤕🍫
Reading up Munchausen (Münchhausen) I saw "Munchausen by Internet" for people feigning on forums, sometimes called "cybermunch(ers)" - I first thought why "munch"... 😁 as a German I don't get it as quick, cos we all grow up with the story of that Baron riding on a cannonball and pulling himself out of a bog. After wondering why I don't recall such cybermunchers I realized we have had a few, just they were quickly unmasked in the first posts.
This made me laugh. But of course it's all too true. And sad, that anyone spends their time feigning on a forum because their life is so dull they have to do that in order to have something to do.
i used to watch little Britain (didn't know they showed that in germany!)
Many Germans quite like British humour, actually - Monty Python, Mr. Bean, The Office...
(I like Little Britain and Mr. Bean, but not much of Monty Python and none of The Office)

(Sort of sad funny the other day when I wrote somewhere about "black humour" - because they had been using some - and the person concerned thought I was being racist! 🤯. :ROFLMAO:)
I remember the Baron Munchausen movie directed by Terry Gilliam, it seemed to suit his sense of humor, a weird and wonderful story. I hadn't heard the term regarding Internet trolls, they're quite a pitiful bunch.
a weird and wonderful story
Based on 'fact' - he existed, liked telling those sorts of tall tales, but was also shy(?), it embarrassed him and it contributed to his ruin it being named after him.
movie directed by Terry Gilliam
Never heard of that one. But lots of nominations, some prizes. Had a peek - again not quite my taste, I liked the subtlety of Tim Burton's Big Fish more, sad, sort of queasy, but also very beautiful.
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Back home again at last.... Yesterday, dizzy for 2 hours after a vertigo exam, I'd been put in another room with 2 other people, both with TV on.... But I explained I need peace and quiet and they both went pretty silent at night and it was a good night after all. I'd asked to pay out of pocket to be in a 2-bed-room, but I'll be getting my money back for that night.
So the neuro clinic excluded everything (that isn't too costly) and blamed it on the blood pressure, so recommend taking those meds again. I've been taking it all week. And whaddayaknow?: My vertigo with nausea isn't one bit better. Tomorrow tho, wouldn't you think ;) :ROFLMAO:.
So now instead I'm gonna tackle my stiff neck, as ever with youtube, starting with Alan Mandell.
Can someone help me with this bit of one of his videos I don't understand? He says do a "chin tuck" while using both hands to press your head up. That to me would mean chin down, which might fit, but he isn't tucking his chin down, so am I misunderstanding or is he showing it wrong?
This is the position: FFxpRtVc9Tc?t=122. (= 2:02) in the youtube video

I like these 30 second ones of his, not cos they sound miraculous, but cos short is better for me anyway. Some of them actually completely resolved some things for me in 30 seconds, like one called "Awaken your lungs", which unfortunately he's taken down. I still know the points and am curious if I find the same ones or similar or improved.... I think I downloaded it somewhere too...
Glad your home Jay 👍🏻, I found a few things about the doc you're asking about ( he comes under motivationaldoc on my youtube g👀gle) that move does sound like tucking chin down, maybe it's a resilience thing pushing the head up same time, I've no idea? There's a ginger thyme honey and water elixir thing he talks about too to open the airways. Is vertigo similar to meniere's? 💧🍯🫚🌿
I remember the exercise in another video, if I can find it again I shall let you know. It involved traction of the neck by tucking in the chin a little while looking down slightly. At the same time hands with fingers interlocked and placed over the base of the skull pull upwards. I remember feeling quite a pull but then my neck is sensitive, regardless be gentle. Glad to hear that you're home again