How are you today?

Is vertigo similar to meniere's?
Ménière's besides vertigo has tinnitus & hearing loss.
Vertigo is apparently a form of dizziness that feels like spinning. Mine was atypical, neither swaying like on a ship, nor turning on a roundabout, but like falling backward, as if my brain were turning in my head.
There's a ginger thyme honey and water elixir thing he talks about too to open the airways
I get hyperacidity from both...
I remember the exercise in another video, if I can find it again I shall let you know.
Brilliant, thanks, both your descriptions fit. Maybe he just forgot to tuck his chin in while showing it.
he comes under motivationaldoc
Yup, that's him. A DC = doctor of chiropractic, not an MD. Not sure I like 'him', but I'm free to pick and choose. He may be one of the most popular ones like DoctorJo and Brad & Bob, but these all have helped me just as much as many less popular ones.
Got up with sudden hearing loss this morning, again something new. But 3h later realized I'd been out of ginkgo in hospital, reason enough I think, so I'm slamming it in again today, but going to another follow-up check-up tomorrow, I'd left a jacket there anyway, with my thick socks in, reason for getting a severe sore throat tonight...
Some of the dizziness may be coming from sitting twist-stretched a lot of the day. I always thought that's something good, not just for my fibro muscle and my back pain, but I'll ask the ENT that tomorrow. If it's not good I need a compromise, something I'm already looking for, like keeping my neck straight. However many of the physio exercises for balance were stretching neck in all directions while walking, that doesn't sound as if that can be the problem, at least not officially, maybe for me tho, or while my neck stiffness/pain is still there.
While searching for the video I came across 'Release Neck & Shoulder Tension in 30 seconds: NO STRETCHING| Feldenkrais Style'. I remember this helping in the past as I tend to hold tension in my neck and aggravate old neck injuries. qx6D-qGI6wg
If you're waking up with hearing loss, I'm wondering if they let you out too soon.TAKE IT EASY! , put some music on and go and see what adventures are going on in the garden
😎 👍🏻💚
helping in the past as I tend to hold tension in my neck and aggravate old neck injuries. qx6D-qGI6wg
Nice one, just tried it, not what I need at the moment I think, but generally good for this and that principle for similar things - e.g. in my case jaw tension which influences my whole body. Do you have jaw tension too, and is that connected?
I'm wondering if they let you out too soon.TAKE IT EASY! , put some music on and go and see what adventures are going on in the garden 😎 👍🏻💚
Yep, definitely doing that. Great to see quite a few changes (esp. successes) after a week.
Sometimes even pigeon cooing is jarring my ears. But raining now is "dampening" ;) noises.
Funny now, my energy feels better, but again can't use it much.... Maybe I should try a small workout. Ah, no, come to think of it, my wife pointed out my lips are very white, that's not good, even if they were even whiter yesterday. I have a little mirror next to me to try to see it myself, and yesterday I definitely saw it. Even without pressing them together.
People seem scared I'll do too much, so I'll curb myself.... :rolleyes:
Yes, and while you're there. See if the mirror steams up 😄 (pretty sure lips arent meant to be white) have a rest (or you might end up back in again) 👌🏻
Nice one, just tried it, not what I need at the moment I think, but generally good for this and that principle for similar things - e.g. in my case jaw tension which influences my whole body. Do you have jaw tension too, and is that connected?
I do tend to hold tension in my jaw, the joints have been painful for many years, grinding my teeth at night doesn't help. Although I'm afraid of aggravating my neck it's surprising how much tension there is in my shoulders, I have to keep taking a deep breath and dropping them down gently.
For anyone who drinks alcohol, I wonder how big of a gap you leave between your medication time and having a drink? I know it's recommended we avoid alcohol while on medication but people still enjoy it in moderation. I'm looking online re metabolism of medication.

After overindulging the last few years I've cut down recently to drinking a couple of nights a week. Pregabalin is taken at 4pm and first drink 7-8pm. 10mg Amitriptyline is usually taken at 7pm, but taken at 6pm if drinking.

Amitriptyline is prescribed to be taken 3 hours before bedtime, a few years ago I decided to lower the dose to 10mg and started taking them an hour earlier at 7pm to see if I could sleep around 11pm. They help towards sleep but if I want to drink the timing is tricky.

So far on a night when drinking alcohol I take them an hour early at 6pm and drink more slowly so it's not too strong when the drowsiness hits. I discovered when trying CBD in the past, after getting strong pins and needles, there had to be a two hour gap when taking Pregabalin. I wonder if there should be a two hour gap at least between Amitriptyline and alcohol which would be tricky with the drowsiness or even not take Amitriptyline on the same night.
If you are having more than one drink, it's too much no matter when you take the medication in relation to when you drink. You are only harming yourself by drinking.

I will occasionally have one drink, but never more than one because it's so detrimental to your health if you have this disorder. One can be helpful if you need to relax, but CBD/THC will do the same thing and not be harmful to you. If you are having more than one drink two or more nights a week you are only doing harm to yourself.
Don't know about you @Badger but I felt soooo much worse after alcohol (put my fibro pain up a fair few notches,) I only drink now on certain occasions (and limit what I used to) 🍀💚🍀
I ended up not taking Amil and drank a few beers slowly while catching up with a close friend. I like a drink, can do so in moderation, but have let myself down doing it to excess the last few years through stress. It's a shame as elsewhere I have stuck to regular breathing exercises and meditation. I shall cut right down, stop drinking at home for the time being, have alcohol free followed by one beer when catching up with a friend, maybe the occasional one at home. A good friend of mine who sufferers chronic pain rarely has a shandy, he's sensible, older than me and struggling. It's too much of a risk while on medication and makes matters worse with Fibro. Nagging pains have been worse lately and the fatigue caught up with me today. Perhaps a sober break, fasting, early nights and relaxation exercise will help. Atb
doctor doubled the thyroid dose and I have no more tiredness during the day probably only last till my next blood test. Before I would sit down in the chair and go to sleep now I can actually watch the TV. still got all the other Hashimoto nasties
Sorry to hear about your discomfort John, but glad to hear that the tiredness is not so bad at the moment, good to rest with some TV and not fall asleep.
@JayCS today I bought a bottle of kefir (I've no idea what it is, and I thought you'd be good to ask?) I read before it's good for you somehow???
I keep associating it with sauerkraut for "some"reason??? I'm starting a juice fast tomorrow's (I'd thought I'd grab a bottle for encouragement)
Ich hoffe es geht dir gut👍🏻😁
Ha, makin' me laugh!
Well, like sauerkraut, it's good for most people because it's fermented and probiotic.
But also like yogurt, which I'd compare it to, same colour, just a bit more liquid and sour.
Maybe it's the initial K as in Kraut which made you think of sauerkraut and me... 🤔 😁

Fermented (like all "aged") stuff is difficult for people with mast cell / histamine issues. Luckily jogurt and kefir is OK for me, sauerkraut too sour, no idea how I'd tolerate it.