How are you today?

So my neighbour's right then? learning harp would be hard? Aw I guess I'll just listen to it (and maybe find a blowy instrument to play instead ) ok, thanks badger 🎵 😎
It would be worth having a look on YouTube, I'm guessing similar to ukulele, or open tuning on a guitar you could play simple tunes. The notes would be clear, unlike a blown instrument where It can be tricky at first to play a note. I'm guessing part of the difficulty in advancing with the harp is developing hand technique to combine more notes.

It's quite rewarding learning to play an instrument. Depending on your comfort, some are physically easier such as ukulele with simple chords or open (slide guitar) tuned guitar for one finger chords. A harp would be fun to try. I once tried the fiddle which was pretty tricky. The drums are my favourite.
Well, I have decided with great determination that I am not going to let this dreadful fybromyalgia control me anymore, done alot of research into dietary changes that might help, sending my love and good vibes to all who are suffering legs don't seem to want to work, so I feel about 90 today, but as I said I am determined.... swimming tomorrow afternoon, not sure whether to join a slimming club to keep motivation going? What's everyone's thoughts on this? Sometimes I just feel so embarrassed after sitting with friends I just can't get up and the pain is chronic... but life must go on. Love to you all ❤️
Ooh you play drums! Cool! If I learned to play the ukulele, I'd randomly start singing George formby songs to my neighbour as soon as he came through the door! (I know what I'm like : ) the amount of famous people that play ukulele that I didn't even know played it I'm shocked! ( I like Spanish guitar too, it takes me somewhere else) ♥️ 🇪🇸 🎸
Love back to you too @Audigirl what thought are you asking swimming or slimmig club? Swimming is a good idea, but don't push yourself too hard, I know the old woman feeling 🙄 good genuine friends have to accept your condition (that's what good friends do) slimming clubs are a good idea (you get to meet people too!) All at your own pace 😙💕💓
It's been a lifetime since I could play the drums and feels like losing a leg but I'm so grateful I was able to enjoy jamming. Audigirl thanks for the positive message and all the best for trying a pool. Take it gently and hopefully the feeling of the water supporting you will feel good. A hydrotherapy pool would be tempting to try for some relief.
Hi, I'm just curious, does anyone on here play guitar? It's just my neighbour said if I can play guitar I can play a harp (I like harps and I want to play one) he said they're hard to play (but I don't know how he knows, cos he doesn't play any instrument) 👌🏻 😎
I tried the guitar a long time ago. Wasn’t for me.
Go for it Auriel, you can YouTube how to play it.
I learnt to play the harmonica, must say I got pretty dang good, something I always wanted to learn and I just picked it up so easy. I learnt the tongue blocking( single notes) method, not just blow and get chords all the time. You can bend the notes, verbrato so much can be done. I was asked to join a band and went to jam sessions, I even got up on stage and played.
But my neck , shoulders and upper back just doesn’t like the way I need to hold it.
The harp is what my teacher called the harmonica, he was the one who named me Harpy.
A person can learn to play almost any instrument at any age. Maybe not learn to play it really well, and there are some a lot harder than others. But if your body can handle being in the position to play it (such as bending one's arms and wrists to play the violin, or using fingers strongly enough for the harp), then they can learn to play it. And who cares if you play it really well or not, if you have fun learning and playing? If you want to learn an instrument, go for it. If it doesn't work out for some reason, try a different one.
My H needs a gold record for his bass playing , he can play for hours without stopping 🤦🏻‍♀️
He generally starts playing about 9 pm and stops when his alarm ⏰ goes off at 6am.
Oh man I got carried away 🤔 it’s his snozacordian 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I will turn it into a projectile when I stuff his nose with corks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The harp is what my teacher called the harmonica, he was the one who named me Harpy.
So he didn't just teach the harmonica, or did he distinguish his students using Harpy 1, 2, 3...? :D

("Harp" as German "Harfe" is thought to partly come from the Aeolian harp, a "harp" played by the wind, and Jew's harp (that "doiingggg" metal thingy. Like the (harmonica =) accordion in German & other languages and a bit like an organ, wind is pushed against a vibrating metal tongue, so (mouth) harmonica and mouth organ are other names. Being only 200 years old and neither classically established, nor patented, it's got many names).