G’day, new here

Jay definitely needs more check-ups if off your food 👍🏻
I had an appointment Friday to get results of Mondays MRI .
Well dr rang today and tells me there’s no bleeds or cancer.
Then tells me I have cerebral small vessel disease.
Still going Friday to talk and see how I can help myself. Not feeling very positive atm.
Well I'm glad for you that you don't have cancer or bleeds, but sad that you ve got cerebral disease (I've not heard of that specific one before) does that explain your headaches and that horrible experience you had Friday morning?, (I'm sure they'll explain everything at your appointment) they say knowledge is power, (and in cases of health conditions I'd say it's more a superpower!) 🍀💝🍀
Well I'm glad for you that you don't have cancer or bleeds,
That I am most relieved about.
but sad that you ve got cerebral disease (I've not heard of that specific one before)
No nor have I, it’s new to me.
does that explain your headaches and that horrible experience you had Friday morning?, (I'm sure they'll explain everything at your appointment) they say knowledge is power, (and in cases of health conditions I'd say it's more a superpower!) 🍀💝🍀
I have done a dr gooooogle. Not liking what I have read at all. That said it does answer a fair few of my symptoms I have had and as usual I always blame my neck. Not sure if it’s what caused the turn I had, but thanks to that turn, I had that mri .
Yes I too believe knowledge is a super power and knowing what lays ahead is fine with me it’s the not know that does my head in.
Same harpy, same, I like to know what I'm dealing with 🌷🪻🌷
That’s it and this way I will go in to dr tomorrow and will have an arm full of questions I want answers for.
Hey if dementia is a very high chance I will get ,, will I forget I am in so much pain 🤔🤔😂😂😂
I wish I could say yes hun, 😄, bur fibro wants to be loved so much it wants us to remember them forever I think 😆
Well appointment today wasn’t my best. Never got my arm full of questions asked.
Also totally forgot to ask for my scrip🤦🏻‍♀️
Well gp didn’t know why they didn’t do mri with contrast. I said I signed a form for them too.
In years to come I do have an extremely high risk of getting dementia 😕 and stroke🤕. She said headaches are a symptom. She said if I get another bad one like I had two weeks ago to see her and she will do another mri with contrast. Other than that have to wait 6 months for new mri scan to check how fast it’s progressing. Then if it is there’s a cocktail of meds I can take. But for now it’s trying to get a better diet going and more exercise.
Well I cried all the way home, called in the street before our house got out and did a 25 minute stroll.
Then took mom to her dr an hour away now home and having a lay down. 😔
What you experienced was more than just a headache harpy ( they should realise that from what would/ should've been in your notes) it was very scary for you!, what is contrast? Is it that ink thing? 🤗🍫🤗
What you experienced was more than just a headache harpy ( they should realise that from what would/ should've been in your notes) it was very scary for you!,
Sure was a humdinger of a headache. Wish my gp would get better and come back.
what is contrast? Is it that ink thing? 🤗🍫🤗
Yeh it’s the dye they inject.
Hi everybody, hope your all having an ok’ish day.
I had a few crappy ones again. When do we ever get a break? I am getting over this one thing after another.
Last Wednesday night to Friday afternoon I was so sick 🤢. I got a tummy bug that came out of now where. Sitting on the dunny with a bucket 🤮🤢🤮💩🤢 not nice at all. My back, neck and ribs took a hammering😢
Thought I was coming good when I kept the dry cracker in Friday night , but started coughing. More than my usual, very sore throat a very runny nose. Woke up Saturday morning not much voice and worsened over Sunday to no voice this morning. No covid as I have tested 3 times just to be sure ( can’t risk being near mom ).
Only thing I can think of is maybe the vomiting has aggravated my throat. , no one else here , not even grandkids have a bug. I just tried my first coffee since wednesday and couldn’t drink it .
I know my immune system is shot but come on. This is nasty. But on the up side I am down just over 2 kg . 🤭
I have just totally sanitize my house and finally lite the 🔥 oooooh nice and warm now.
But ew forgot how smelly it is when ya light it for the first time each year, thought I dusted it enough.
Only thing I can think of is maybe the vomiting has aggravated my throat. , no one else here , not even grandkids have a bug. I just tried my first coffee since wednesday and couldn’t drink it .
My grandkid finished having a bug a week before I got it last November. People wouldn't/don't believe that my body is that sensitive, but it is. The vomiting changed my Schatzki ring, so I had to re-learn how to eat without getting esophagus blocks. Too much going on at the moment to want to go to hospital and get it dilated.
I have just totally sanitize my house and finally lite the 🔥 oooooh nice and warm now.
Winter time and darkness on its way. On our side of the world we use advent and Christmas tree candles and I guess the whole hope of Christmas time after the grey November days where church concentrates on farewell from (summer and from) life. How do you compensate for the cold and dark, any festivities, or do you feel a victim to the Northern globe system or do you have enough other advantages?
just changing the living room from summer to winter - have the same fire box as Harpy - bringing back the wood basket and getting close to lighting it. Very cold here last nite and today we have a cold system moving up from the Great southern ocean into most of New South Wales. We have the mountain range to the east that gets snow falls - has not snowed here in town since the 50's but the nights get very cold Since covid fire wood has been very hard to get - on the farm I could just go and cut a dead tree down but here in town we have to buy it.
My grandkid finished having a bug a week before I got it last November. People wouldn't/don't believe that my body is that sensitive, but it is. The vomiting changed my Schatzki ring, so I had to re-learn how to eat without getting esophagus blocks. Too much going on at the moment to want to go to hospital and get it dilated.
My immune system is the same, I be the first to pick up these bugs and last one to recover.
Got into dr after lunch, on antibiotics as it’s yet another sinus infection 🤦🏻‍♀️ so my antibiotics should start kicking in tomorrow.
Sorry to hear your SR isn’t good again.

Winter time and darkness on its way. On our side of the world we use advent and Christmas tree candles and I guess the whole hope of Christmas time after the grey November days where church concentrates on farewell from (summer and from) life. How do you compensate for the cold and dark, any festivities, or do you feel a victim to the Northern globe system or do you have enough other advantages?
Night time falls quick now, so pretty dark by 6pm, not much to do but watch telly or crochet. I have a few games on iPad so that fills time time till I venture to bed. Definitely don’t feel like a victim. Sun comes up early in the morning so don’t really bother me.
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