Animals and guinea pigs

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Fimi’s her mam (I’m just aware of how tired + busy she’s been lately)
💤 🐱
It’s a folie a quatre! (I’ve no idea how it started but that’s how it ended up!) anyone else feel like they’re in a Tim burton/roald Dahl story?
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Praps a bit of psychoanalysis, to make sure? 🛋️....
Cuz the analyst'd be so gaga they wdn't be able to write as clever as wot we does...
It’s a folie a quatre!
Ah, wow ‼️ , the supra-analyst is amongst us, that bien sûr can expliquer notre entier univers et au-delà... 🙃 🤪
Dress code is TBD by auriel and fimi.
By the sound of it we all need to come dressed as there's a strong link here!!🤪
I will obviously come as kitty in tutu, bloomers, combat boots (odd) and with a big pink ribbon in my hair 😻

And I'll borrow her knitting needles...🤣🤣🤣
The cat would like to correct you by saying it's Mommy fimi, Aunty Auriel, Aunty Sweetkamie20 and Uncle JayCS 🤣:love:
She likes to get things she must get these orders out...🤪🤣🙀
Please tell her aunt sweet ate some of uncle JayCS special mushrooms and got a little confused. And not to worry - she can send the cardie whenever.

Aunt sweet is holding off on sending the sewing machine to knitting kittie but she did submit an application for Britain's Got Talent. The world deserves to know 😂
By the sound of it we all need to come dressed as there's a strong link here!!🤪
I will obviously come as kitty in tutu, bloomers, combat boots (odd) and with a big pink ribbon in my hair 😻

And I'll borrow her knitting needles...🤣🤣🤣
I want to 🤣 and 🤩 this also. I'm seeing the 1800's Cindy Lauper 😂

Hmmmm I suspect Jay's hair will be orange, eyebrows groomed, and mismatched shoes (one ballet shoe and 1 hiking boot) with a ribbon around his forehead like a sweatband...

I shall come as cousin It merged with a mermaid which shouldn't be hard with all this hair that's on my head. I'm gonna rummage through boy Boy George's closet and surprise everyone! 😆
Jaycs! special mushrooms need to be kept in a “special” place, sweet’s got hold of em and she’s confused of the day 🙃😆
Yes the world needs to know her outstandingness for sure! and if fimi’s cool with it I’ll take charge of all the YouTube messages (when it goes out) cos I bet for sure talking Tom and talking Angela will set up anonymous accounts to troll her online for pure jealousy 😁👍🏻
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By the sound of it we all need to come dressed as there's a strong link here!!🤪
I will obviously come as kitty in tutu, bloomers, combat boots (odd) and with a big pink ribbon in my hair 😻

And I'll borrow her knitting needles...🤣🤣🤣
I want to 🤣 and 🤩 this also. I'm seeing the 1800's Cindy Lauper 😂

Hmmmm I suspect Jay's hair will be orange, eyebrows groomed, and mismatched shoes (one ballet shoe and 1 hiking boot) with a ribbon around his forehead like a sweatband...

I shall come as cousin It merged with a mermaid which shouldn't be hard with all this hair that's on my head. I'm gonna rummage through boy Boy George's closet and surprise everyone! 😆
We’re all gonna jump on jaycs attack him with lipstick mascara and blusher and give him 80’s style new romantic makeup (similar to Phil Oakley human league) haha haha oh yeah 💄 💋
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