Animals and guinea pigs

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Dress code is guess what 😂
I'd rather come with blue hair than Slash's Mad Hatter top hat. And no, I ain't gonna put a ribbon in my hair, I doubt you either.... If I come plain you might think I was part of Alice in Chains, or I could put mascara on (long gone) and with or without top hat come as Alice Cooper, black devil or White Vanquisher.
Apart from that I'm still cluelessly guessing what you cd've meant...
I don't think the results would make for good reading 🤣🤪
Cuz the analyst'd be so gaga they wdn't be able to write as clever as wot we does...
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mascara on (long gone)
My wife sez (laughing nervously...) mascara is for lashes. I meant eyeliner - we call it kajal here...?
Now I can't get to work anyway I'm starting to think about expanding my life in this direction, why the f not?

Plus Skindred is on the Continent, seen them advertised, cdnt remember what they're like, but I'm like this is my favourite "new"/warmed up band. @Auriel - neighbours of yours!?!? They'll be headlining and no chance of even getting there and even if I could it'd be way past my bedtime, but my speakers are now blasting it away, whilst preparing tomorrow's supps - Nobody, Pressure, Kill the Power, Ninja - hearing that word all day, ey?!... 5' of pretending to headbang 🤘 (or actually I avoid that connotation, prefer the fist ✊)... ah 5 years ago I was jumpin around like mad for 90 minutes to Mother's Finest in the front row, got kudos from the band for managing that.
No regrets,
"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens...:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

Argh, Skindred's getting even Ruling Force... Somehow my supps are taking a lot longer than normal...
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I'd rather come with blue hair than Slash's Mad Hatter top hat.
Hmmmm point taken. But what if there was a blue rabbit in the hat? 🤔 or a pink fish?
And no, I ain't gonna put a ribbon in my hair, I doubt you either....
Here is where I assert that tea party etiquette is essential to a good time 🥳. We need @Auriel @fimi to weigh in on whether ribbons are required. And if not, what is???? I want to be invited back to the tea party so I am gonna comply...if they say wear 19th century bloomers with a tutu,combat boots, knee high plaid socks, that's what I will be wearing :)
I could put mascara on (long gone) and with or without top hat come as Alice Cooper, black devil or White Vanquisher.
Can we just give you a facial and then false eyelashes?? Maybe pluck a few eyebrow hairs...😂.
Apart from that I'm still cluelessly guessing what you cd've meant...
Dress code is TBD by auriel and fimi. I suspected cardigans but not so sure thr kitty is up to the task... 😞😭
Can we just give you a facial and then false eyelashes?? Maybe pluck a few eyebrow hairs...😂.
Wait, wait, you've been talking to my wife behind my back, that's what she said too.
Binary, I said, as in: non-non-binary! Also: covering the dark circles with even darker circles, not pancake.
Taming my eyebrows is like clearing a jungle (but ethical). You could use the longest ones for the eyelashes...
19th century bloomers with a tutu, combat boots, knee high plaid socks,
Hmm, let's see, I got some (male) ballet shoes somewhere, and just bought some male knee socks, at last found some without any Lycra. So that's still sort of non-non-binary, in my opinion anyway. I could wear a combat boot (OK hiking boot) on one foot, just to confuse things more get even more creative. Our muckin' around actually inspired me to wear two different Chucks/sneakers today, my life is starting to get more fun again already, of course putting things into practice without ado.
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I'd rather come with blue hair than Slash's Mad Hatter top hat.
Hmmmm point taken. But what if there was a blue rabbit in the hat? 🤔 or a pink fish?
And no, I ain't gonna put a ribbon in my hair, I doubt you either....
Here is where I assert that tea party etiquette is essential to a good time 🥳. We need @Auriel @fimi to weigh in on whether ribbons are required. And if not, what is???? I want to be invited back to the tea party so I am gonna comply...if they say wear bloomers with a tutu, combat boots, and knee high checkered socks I am gonna comply :)
I could put mascara on (long gone) and with or without top hat come as Alice Cooper, black devil or White Vanquisher.
Can we just give you a facial and then false eyelashes?? Maybe pluck a few eyebrow hairs...not that you have any strays but, chances are high 😂
Apart from that I'm still cluelessly guessing what you cd've meant...
Dress code is TBD by auriel and fimi.
My wife sez (laughing nervously...) mascara is for lashes. I meant eyeliner - we call it kajal here...?
Maybe you should trendset and do false eyelashes and eyeliner...oh no. Scratch that. That's too far lol
"There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens...
Ecceliastes- such wisdom. I love the verse He has set eternity into the hearts of men- it's actually provided me the secondary foundation of how how much He is doing to earn our trust. I think that verse is in Ecceliastes...the whole premise of this book I am writing is really informed by that verse I reference! Thanks Ecceliastes

I didn't realize this is essentially a duplicate lol. Can't figure out where the delete button is 😬. Sorry guys
Wait, wait, you've been talking to my wife behind my back, that's what she said too.
Binary, I said, as in: non-non-binary!
Well, it's the psychic thing. You know, like the I saw you eat an apple yesterday 😜
Taming my eyebrows is like clearing a jungle (but ethical). You could use the longest ones for the eyelashes...
I'd like to borrow some, too. Save the trees right?!
Hmm, let's see, I got some (male) ballet shoes somewhere, and just bought some male knee socks, at last found some without any Lycra. So that's still sort of non-non-binary, in my opinion anyway.
Whats a male ballet shoe anyway??
I could wear a combat boot (OK hiking boot) on one foot, just to confuse things more
Oooh, maybe it would make things crystal clear to the outside world 😂. Not sure why this comment is automatically stricken through and can't turn it off. That's all your fault JayCS 😏
get even more creative. Our muckin' around actually inspired me to wear two different Chucks/sneakers today, my life is starting to get more fun again already
So you are wearing 2 different shoes? Be sure to tell your wife it's fimi and auriels dress code. I am just a victim, too 🤪
you all's posts appear so late that I am responding out of order 😬 oh, and JayCS you all's is southern US dialect. Will surely make you sound ummmm less educated should you add it to your vocab :)
not that you have any strays but, chances are high
Didn't get that one... stray eyebrow hairs? Made me stray to a Denver Post article about worms in eyes...
I'd like to borrow some, too.
Oh yeah, they're up to that, they'll probably last better than ones you buy - yes, without murdering trees.
Whats a male ballet shoe anyway??
Black, not pink, no toe pads for pointé, no ribbons....
Oooh, maybe it would make things crystal clear to the outside world 😂. Not sure why this comment is automatically stricken through and can't turn it off. That's all your fault JayCS
Hiking boot on one foot and ballet shoe on the other I'd wish would make people think and feel. Futile.
Yep: I've stricken you. 😏 Click on the 3 dots in the formating row above posts and you'll find the trick.
So you are wearing 2 different shoes? Be sure to tell your wife it's fimi and auriels dress code. I am just a victim, too
The reason for her nervous laughter is that she knows I have a (small) history of creatively breaking taboos and fears becoming victim of such little embarrassments - altho she isn't (just) a choirgirl herself.
you all's posts appear so late that I am responding out of order 😬 oh, and JayCS you all's is southern US dialect. Will surely make you sound ummmm less educated should you add it to your vocab
you all's = y'all's? No, that looks strange.... could get embarrassing to cringey (rather than less educated) if I tried pretending and it doesn't come out right....
Maybe a cobbler should (remember and) stick to his lasts (that's how leo translates what I'm trying to say).
My lasts(?)'d be: Southern UK dialect, as in Cockney (well, not quite), like a load of old cobblers, ah Never Mind the .... Cobblers.
Not sure how my/our posts are appearing so late, maybe cos of my/our 100s of OCD-edits?
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tutu’s bloomers combat boots ribbons (don’t have to be in the hair they can go around the neck/thigh or waist) pastel goth/ rocky horror anything out of the munsters or Addams all be fine with me!
Yes kitty needs a well deserved rest she got caught up in the honeymoon period of newly learning to knit and the inundated orders from people fascinated with her abilities
🐱 😴💗
Yes kitty needs a well deserved rest she got caught up in the honeymoon period of newly learning to knit and the inundated orders from people fascinated with her abilities
🐱 😴💗
Bahahaha! You're a great mom auriel. Lucky cat with wonderful aunt fimi 🥰
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