and you are kind of an outlier, too... very few are as sensitive as you are to so many different things.
When i first joined here, i used to wonder how you even kept going - but I soon reminded myself that we all do what we need to do to get thru each day, regardless of how difficult it might seem to others. I now think of you more as an inspiration.

(hope that does not make you uncomfortable)
Had to look up outlier, thanks again for a new good word... one I can often use. ;-) Yep, definitely.
Ocasionally, it seems, it can rarely mean a social misfit. There I would think "eccentric" fits better, altho it sounds like a fogey tweeded old man, I'm actually more of the opposite, raving with the kids and youths, something like a freak some people might say, but again some of the subtones don't fit.
I am very "accepted" and more in all social contexts, but yeah, eccentric, odd one out, always good / "bad" for surprises. It probably helps if you like that sort of thing, but I can tone it down if necessary - I do tone it down a bit on the forums I guess, I do try to meet people on their own ground, cos I'm flexible and "many".
I long wondered about my 100s of the oversensitivities my inner and outer skins, and finding out about MCAS has seemed to "solve" that, a mast cell overreaction. (I'm usually not sensitive to light, sound, weather, pain, etc., and am physically and mentally a tolerant person, "excepting intolerance", so not "sensitive" to absolutely "everything".)
You're not the only one who wonders how I even keep going, I don't know anyone who doesn't, including myself.

Once I half decided half fell to carry on living and get out of the emotional c*ap I was in as a kid it gained momentum all along, being rewarded bit by bit, sometimes it felt like coming from the frying pan into the fire, but it was actually very slow progress all the time.
But I still think behind that I was probably always blessed with some kind of inner drive, motor.
What would/does make me uncomfy is if someone feels under pressure to keep up with what I do.
(Luckily people only see "their" bits of all I actually do...)
A befriended colleague once told me that, and I know (talked thru in therapy too) that shouldn't be my problem, and it isn't, but yeah, it still makes me sad.
If the way I do things gives anyone ideas how you can do it in your own life, or just to keep hope up, or whatever, then I'm very fine with that. But please remember this drive that keeps me going is primarily not my choice or my own achievement, it's only that I choose to put it to the best use I can. I think it's great to see "good" achievements, and I love using the energy given to clamber on the shoulders of those giants.