
  1. S

    Is this fibromyalgia or a misdiagnosis?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for reading this. I was recently diagnosed with fibro. It began 3 months ago when I started getting traveling pains in my arms, legs, hands, feet, and shoulders. Sometimes my wrists or ankles would burn. I would get a stabbing pain in my finger or toe. The pain feels...
  2. G


    Hi everyone I recently had a nasty viral illness and found myself stuck in bed with a very sore chest/back and a high fever. That seemed to pass within a day or two, but shortly afterwards I had the onset of some very strange other symptoms. First I found that I had trouble grapping things with...
  3. G

    Common Anxiety Symptoms

    I hope that I'm not upsetting anyone by starting a new thread, but I think that this is imperative information for those who suffer from any kind of anxiety. I have pulled this list from a website, and it can be accessed easily by anyone, should they care to do the right kind of research. My...
  4. G

    pain & spasticity in throat.

    Hi, Does anyone struggle with severe pain and stiffness in their throat? I’ve had intense pain in throat area for more than 2 years. It’s a stiff cramping pain and it’s relentless! Is it spasticity gone amok? I’m more than 4 years in, classified as UMN syndrome. Pain, spasticity, difficulty...
  5. G

    If your doctor says.....

    "some noted weakness in quads and calves" does that then constitute "clinical weakness"? This was my GP, not a neuro (still trying to get myself to Hong Kong). Actual neuro appt in the states in January did not note "weakness" and EMG of my arms was clean, although my arms are not where I'm...
  6. G

    Not sure where to go from here

    Hey Everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this. Details: 30 year old male, decent shape, husband, father. I've had ongoing health issues for the past 2 years. Started with GI issues- moved to lightheadedness/imbalance, now I'm dealing with body wide twitches and right arm (especially...
  7. G

    Not sure where to go from here

    Hey Everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this. Details: 30 year old male, decent shape, husband, father. I've had ongoing health issues for the past 2 years. Started with GI issues- moved to lightheadedness/imbalance, now I'm dealing with body wide twitches and right arm (especially...
  8. G

    Fibromyalgia symptoms

    To clear up a few things the psych said that seem to have you concerned: "can take time to diagnose" -- let me explain briefly why. First, the EMG shows abnormalities. The "time" is to be sure that those abnormalities aren't something ELSE. (Remember, many things affect nerves and muscles)...
  9. G

    Diagnosed in Jan

    I have never posted on any forums before but have been reading this one for a month or so and have learned a lot I was just diagnosed Jan, after a year of testing and watching the progression of symptoms. Looking back symptoms may have started in 1995, when diagnosed with "tendenitis in a...
  10. G

    More pain and stiffness

    Hi, I've posted on here a few times before, but generally have tried to go about my life. I've been battling pain/stiffness/weakness for years and now it seems to have got worse. I had one doc allude to pls. Said I had cranial nerve damage. My neck always hurts when I turn it (95% of the...