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    feel lost, could this be PLS?

    Hi, i'm 50 yr old woman who has had progressive health problems for 3+ yrs. still, no diagnosed. aaah. before then, very active, athletic, no health problems. earliest symptoms: difficulty remaining standing even for a minute - needed to sit, squat down, bend over, take weight off lower legs...
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    Continuing to Slide

    It's been about three weeks since I posted. Thanks for everyone's support to this point. My symptoms of weakness, heaviness, atrophy, loss of muscle tone continue. Since my last post, my arms and hands seem more effected. Stiffness in a few fingers, wrist, and the muscle between the thumb and...
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    Ruling out fibro

    HI Robyn No worries--choking once isn't a concern. Everyone chokes once in a while--everyone. Something starts to go down the trache instead of the esophagus, and our body naturally tires to eject it. Sounds like your body did what it is supposed to do. Sounds like you had a real rough...
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    Neuro thinks ALS, I want to believe it is Myasthenia Gravis

    Could really use your insight and direction... Knowing the ravages of ALS, I would much rather be diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis any day (even though that DX is terrible but it is at least somewhat manageable compared to ALS). I had to go into the ER today with difficulty breathing and...
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    Possible als or fibromyalgia opinions please?

    been a while for diagnosed i thought it was MS never heard of ALS untill a posting on MS site lady said possible MS.. but wait and see, ive had twitching since aug or earlier of 10* and has gotton worst, alsoo had lower back spasms which thught i hurt at wrk blew EVRYTHING OFF.. i mean what...
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    Fibromyalgia versus ALS

    In response to a post: Your newest batch of symptoms sound more like fibromyalgia than anything else. ALS isn't going to cause pain in early stages. LOSS OF USE is what usually sends those with ALS to the doctor. They suddenly can't do something--for me, it was I couldn't push the buttons to...
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    Weakness in both arms and legs at the same time

    Hello Everyone, I have had a rough 6 months. I still don't know what I have, but I do have something. I have not been to a neurologist yet, but I will be going soon. I was wondering whether these symptoms might be symptoms of ALS. I have read a lot of posts on this forum. What is unclear...
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    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and diagnosis

    Your white blood count points to some issue. You need to have a complete work-up. White count usually means some type of infection. It's even possible you've got some infection causing your muscle issues, actually. Most doctors don't do a complete work-up, the simply do the basics such as...
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    issues with health

    Muscle twitches alone don't suggest an issue--weakness and atrophy do. It won't cause joint pain, either. It also doesn't cause pupils to be different. There are a host of problems that can cause your symptoms. My first stop would be to the GP for a work-up--blood, etc. Next, I'd ask about...
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    Re: Update and not a good one

    Re: Update and not a good one Hi Becky LOL, I can't press the buttons on my Ford to unlock the doors--or the hairspray can to fix my hair. The weakness is definitely not 'perceived' it's all too real. My fingers just collapse. I can hold things in my arms, though. The neurosurgeon is the...