
  1. G

    Re: A few major concerns

    Re: A few major concerns Does anyone here know, from their journey to diagnosis--if atrophy is possible with MS? I keep thinking that if I had ALS, I'd be worse than I am after a year of atrophy in my hands. Is that a valid assumption? I know the neurosurgeon was concerned--but do EMG/NCVs...
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    Scared Help Please!

    Ok. Here is my story. I came here last year scared and concerned about widespread twitching. I went to the neuro in July 2010 and I had 3 visits with him from July to September. He only did an EMG of my arms at this time. I have always had pulse twitching. Meaning heart beat twitching. It...
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    weakness vs fatigue

    Fatigue of a muscle: •Physiology. The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. This is what usually has been happening to me for years now. My muscle tone had been tight from...
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    BFS or Fibro?

    Allweneedislove, I love the name by the way. Please let me tell you that you have got to stop the strength testing. Whether you have Fibro, or BFS (I lean real strongly on the BFS) but which ever it is, your muscles are going to be screaming at you if you keep up the strength testing. They are...
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    Scared and weak.

    Hi everyone. I've had emg's in the past and have come back successful. I have another one on Aug 24 2010. I don't know what is happening to my body as I thought I was making head way and gaining more energy. I've had muscle weakness for awhile but not to the point that I couldn't lift anything...
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    Muscle weakness

    Hello everyone. I'm just wondering if the muscle weakness experienced from als is constant or does it happen upon exertion?
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    Twitching and aching muscles question

    Dear all, I am a 25 year old male with some symptoms that have kept me worried over the last few months. The situation I have been dealing with in chronological order is the following: 1) Noticed an enlarged lymph node on my clavicle in December (painless and still enlarged at the same size...
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    Worried about undiagnosed ALS with Fibromyalgia

    I am 46 years old with symptoms for 8 months. Started with a feeling of stiff ankles and feet on waking which would subside quickly. Then I developed what I called "keyboard and txting dyslexia" where I would have trouble typing and texting and wrists and fingers didn't work. Initially presented...
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    MRI Ok, B12 good, muscle weakness

    Hi, I don't know how to start this, only by asking some questions. I know you guys can't diagnose me or anything, I'm working on things-I just want to know if some of the symptoms I've been having for years are real. I had the muscle twitch test done, and the docs thought I had PLS. I had a lot...
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    Does anyone share my symptoms?

    I am a 28 year old female and have been living with chronic pain for the past 4 years. I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything other than fibromyalgia. My symptoms would come and go in pretty regular patterns and last for about 4-7 days. No medications helped. I was difficult to...