
  1. G

    Wondering about progressive symptoms

    I am asking on behalf of my wife and would sincerely appreciate input. My wife is 35 years old and has been experiencing some slowly progressive symptoms that has had me concerned. She has experienced symptoms of restless legs syndrome in the past. She also sees a rheumotologist for...
  2. G

    how tell fatigue from disease from not sleeping?

    Hi everyone. You all have big hearts and I appreciate the time and help. I wrote in a different thread, under "husband," but this is a specific question; when the doctor asks if you feel fatigue at the end of the day, how on earth can you separate exhaustion because you're not sleeping at night...
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    rhuematic or fibromyalgia?

    Margaret, Hi again, I would think that if you have had these issues for 3 yrs and no clinical weakness or atrophy, that it could be fibro? Or something rhuematic in nature. Try to rest easy.....
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    I am back and feeling lost, extreme joint cracking

    Hi all. Some of you may remember me. For 5 months I have been having migratory pains that will hit one area for a few seconds to hours then move to another spot. They feel like deep toothache pains and usually affect my ankles, toes, fingers, hands, spine. A wk after the onset of this I noticed...
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    fibro maybe myofascial pain syndrome

    I tested 10 out of 18 on that test, he says no treatment needed and I agree. He thinks instead of fibro maybe myofascial pain syndrome. C-diff is the recurrent colon infection that I had. It when bad bacteria take over good ones. it is caught from the hospital or from taking antibiotics. I got...
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    Aussie alone

    Hi all - I am so impressed with everyone's genuine concern and interest in all who visit this site. I have been avidly reading everyone's histories for some time now, but hiding in the background thinking about replying, then putting it off. Loved the thread about bra snapping, gave me a laugh...
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    is ALS starting? or fibromyalgia?

    :oops:Hello all I'm 27 male, I'm still not diagnose but I have some very frightened symptoms and I want to hear your oppinions. In March of 2007 after very stressful situation I started a lot of symptoms: -Fasciculations all over my body(very strong I can see my body parts twitching)...
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    sudden severe weakness/fatigue

    Does anyone get sudden out of the blue,just soooooo tired it feels like someone pulled the plug on you? I get "attacks" of this,I did alot of cleaning today,then just out of the blue,its like my arms and right leg(the most) are just soooo heavy and tired,trying to eat dinner,they were shaking so...
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    my story

    well, I am not sure where to begin. I have had some minor things on and off for along time. Quickly-epstien barr virus at 20. That lasted for a year or so, there was no twitching, just tired and achey. Then 8 yrs ago mis-diagnoised with MS. I was having tingling and numbness, had MRI, came back...
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    Facial twitching and right-sided perceived weakness

    Corny...I know, but I have lurking around and reading for a couple of months now, and figured I should introduce myself. My journey started about 7 months ago with facial twitching and right-sided perceived weakness. I have had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia for about 20 years, so am thus an...