
  1. T


    hello, I am new to this support group, I have had fibroymlgla for the last 20 years however it has gotten worse and now it dictates everything I do, I use to be able to "push through" the pain but now it has moved on to weakness, headaches, brusing, twitching, etec, I have never been a part of...
  2. T

    need help any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Hey guys, Hope everyone is well. I have reached my twelve months of troubling symptoms and still no answer to a diagnoses, been cleared of MS, ALS so thought maybe i would see if any of these symptoms appear in fibromyalgia..i am a 28 year old male... symptoms: I have lots of pain signalling...
  3. Whyfor

    Hello, Kindly People!

    Hello to all of you! You seem like such a nice community, and while I admit I've never joined a forum particular to my currently unknown condition, I must say, I feel both excited and nervous! So, here's my story, put as simply as I can manage: I am a 27 year old female with a ten year history...
  4. Gerbentrelle

    Fibro, Mental Illness, and Youth

    Every case of fibro/CFS is different. In my case, I was diagnosed at the age of 18 following previous diagnoses of Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, ADD, and Asthma. Due to my lengthly list of health concerns, I think that my dad, sister, and brother have written me off as dramatic...
  5. 1sweed

    Alternatives For Other Health Problems

    Recently my doctor went through the roof when my bloodwork came back and my cholesterol and LDL levels were high. He insisted I use a statin drug in a effort to reduce the levels. So I said only a very low dose and if my muscles start cramping I am quiting it. So I am on Simvastatin 5mg, one a...
  6. 1sweed

    Got A Recipe To Share

    Often times we just don't realize how much our diets can contribuite to our over all health unitl a visit to the doctor shows us our weight on that scale or our bloodwork is not so good. I had a wake-up call this past week concerning both. And part of it was really my fault or eating foods that...
  7. N

    anyone been checked out for neuromuscular disease?

    Hi all, this has to be brief cause my hands and arms hurt. My PCP, who gave me the fibro diagnosis, is now having me tested (via neuro) for Myasthenia Gravis due to significant muscle weakness. Has anyone explored neuromuscular causes of your pain and weakness? The one prob I see with pursuing...
  8. N

    Rare symptoms not commonly known

    Fibromyaglia is known to have symptoms such as spams, sleep disturbance, weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, palpitations, multi twitching, inability to multi task these are just a few that i can think of. My question is besides the common ones known by most of us, which other rare symptoms...
  9. L

    muscle weakness

    I was wondering if anyone else has constant muscle weakness. my muscles in my legs and arms constantly feel weak and they ache. I asked my rhuemy about it, because I wasnt sure if it was side effects from cymbalta or if it was the fibro. he said it was the fibro. but I don't seem to get any...
  10. M

    Unexpected Diagnosis

    Hi. I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on Friday by a Rhuematologist. I am 41 years old, married almost 20 years, and have 3 children ages 8-23. I was surprised by this diagnosis to say the least. I had heard of Fibromyalgia but not thought about it in regard to the way I was feeling...