
  1. G

    information about fibromyalgia to help

    Nick, Have you seen a Rheumatologist, as the pain and weakness/fatigue sort of sounds like Fibromyalgia, especially with jaw pain and headache. I'm not a doc, just know about Fibro because I have it. It involves the connective tissues. Common signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include...
  2. G

    Needing information

    I joined this group in October and have been reading your posts, almost daily, since then. This is my first post. Due to the fact that the medical community seems to have so few answers I find the antecdotal information on this site very helpful. This is my story: In the middle of August, 2006...
  3. G

    ALS or not. Need Advice (fibromyalgia)

    Hi, I am new to this. I have not been diagnosed with anything but being treated for fibromyalgia. Now I am having new symptoms and I am concerned. I started a year and a half ago with crawly/goosebumps on left thigh, left scalp, thawed out feeling on top of left hand and left side of face and...