
  1. P

    Just wondering.

    Hi , I'm just wondering if anyone can help. I've been having problems For at least three years now and finally I was recently sent to go see a rhumotologist, which led to my diagnosis of fibromyalgia.to doctor there disccused what fibromyalgia is and then said he would refer' me back to my...
  2. N

    How were you diagnosed?

    I am new to the site (first post) and I am wondering how you were diagnosed. Did you see a general doctor or a specialist? Did they do blood test or just a tender point check? I have an appointment with my general doctor later today and I am hoping he can diagnose me. I've been having...
  3. J

    New Member Hello

    Hello Friends, I am a 65 year old female retired public school teacher. I had to retire in 1997 when I was diagnosised with FM. I had taught second grade 5 years and first grade 23 years. I enjoyed teaching and grieved very much when I had to retire at the age of 50. I was in an inner city...
  4. P

    Savella vs Cymbalta

    Has anyone ever tried Savella for their fibro pain? I've been on Cymbalta for a while. Now it just doesn't seem to be helping much. My neuro wants to increase it to help my migraines and to help my sleep (I only sleep about 4 hours a night) but when we have tried that, I get really bad night...
  5. C

    newbie- advice please

    Hi! I too new to this support group. So, here is my story. I was finally diagnosed this week after a year of seeing just about every specialist there is. For a long time I blamed tension and anxiety for my tense muscles and pain throughout my body. I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome brought...
  6. H

    Thanks for telling me - the patient!

    Hi all, I am new to the forum and am going through a hard time. To sum it up, I had some severe stress in Nov 2013 and in Jan started having back pain and now it's everywhere. If its not a major muscle spasm it's skin sensitivity, depression/anxiety, IBS, or brain fog. Or all of them at once...
  7. K

    New here.. not new to Fibro

    Hi folks. I am a 50 year old woman who was diagnosed with Fibro almost 2 years ago. I found the site in my search for relief. It all began in 2011 when I could no longer wake up or stay awake and I started having severe muscle fatigue. I started with my family doctor. He tested me to every...
  8. L

    Finally diagnosed

    Well, let's start from the beginning of my story and see what everyone thinks. I'm 22 years old. I guess looking back on it, I've had signs of this for awhile but it didn't become such a debilitating problem until a few month ago. At this time I was walking over an hour to work at a call...
  9. J

    Lost but back again

    I was on this site fairly often when I first started dealing with having Fibro but then I stopped because I thought I had a handle on the issue. After seeing a PCP, back specialist, sports medicine doc, rheumatologist, 3 psychiatrists, 2 pain management specialists, orthopedists, podiatrist...
  10. S

    28 y/o Fe with Fibro and Sjogrens

    Hello everyone! It's been about a year now since my diagnoses. I am very thankful that I no longer feel that I'm on death's doorstep. I came from being in very bad shape, very depressed, frustrated, and just about worthless. I was unable to work and living off of savings while I frantically...