
  1. B


    My name is Br. John ... I'm a Benedictine Monk and have been recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Having said that, the Specialist believes that I have had it for many years but was undiagnosed because of my physicians unwillingness to refer me to a Rheumatologist. My GP just thought it was...
  2. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...
  3. P

    My Intro

    Hi, My name is Patricia. I am fairly newly diagnosed with fibro, just in April 2013. I was diagnosed with MS in December of 2007 and I was already dealing with chronic pain due to the MS. I have been on Avinza, a sustained released morphine, since before my MS diagnosis. I've also been on...
  4. A

    New and Defeated

    Hi everyone/anyone that might read this :) I've been suffering from the wrath of FM since my daughter was born 12/21/11. No one diagnosed me until a few weeks ago and every single doc until the one that diagnosed me treated me like I was suffering from hypochondria and new-mommy head trauma...
  5. M

    Mono and fibro again

    Hello to all. I read the Barnabev7’s thread (31/5) and felt astonished. I think the connection between mono and fibromyalgia might apply to me too. I am 48 years old and exactly two years ago I was diagnosed with mono. And I haven’t been myself ever since. As the pain in my -swollen- lymph nodes...
  6. B

    My Doctor thinks I may have Fibro

    Hi new here and looking for answers....I have been in chronic pain for 5 years now, started out with being thrown off a horse and having a car accident. This ruptured 2 disks and now in Addition I have DDD with severe nerve impingement and spinal stenosis. I have been treated for that long...
  7. A

    What kind of specialist?

    My family doctor diagnosed me a couple years ago and has me on Cymbalta for pain. The pain has gotten much worse even though my life, activity, diet hasn't changed much. I take either ibuprofen or naproxen at the max dose every day just to function. My dr gave me Ultram but will only give me 10...
  8. V

    I am still wondering (after 30 years) ......

    A computer specialist I am not ...tee hee ! I am sending a special hello to everyone ! I am new to this site , but certainly not new to FMS or CFS..... Gentle hugs to all , Virgo lady
  9. MercyL


    I finally found a great pain specialist after dealing with Kaiser primary care physicians. The pain specialist deals with his own chronic pain, so he can identify with his patients. My PCP's (primary care physicians) at Kaiser didn't really care about my situation. They were disrespectful. When...
  10. B

    Is this Hypermobility or Fibromyalgia

    Don't know if anyone else has similar symptoms as my daughter. She has always had knee problems patella not sitting right and had spells of flu like illnesses all through secondary school. Also had for over two years on and off when she was younger what seemed like bladder infections but no...