
  1. G

    Fibromyalgia fog

    What a nightmare you're going through. It's more than obvious that something major is going on. Are you eating and still losing weight or are you not eating? If you are eating--something isn't letting you absorb nutrients. With my daughter, her issue was her intestines--she absorbed nothing...
  2. G

    Re: A few major concerns

    Re: A few major concerns Does anyone here know, from their journey to diagnosis--if atrophy is possible with MS? I keep thinking that if I had ALS, I'd be worse than I am after a year of atrophy in my hands. Is that a valid assumption? I know the neurosurgeon was concerned--but do EMG/NCVs...
  3. G

    ripping good times....

    ...well cannot really call torn ligaments a good time but that is what has taken place in my right thumb from trying to open a jar of spehgetti sauce. I finally went to an orthopedic doc yesterday (yet another specialist to add to my list) and they put me in a fiberglass cast that goes up half...
  4. G

    Finally something for fatigue!

    Hi ALL! Well, here is the story. My daughter was diagnosed with narcolepsy 2 weeks ago. Her doctor gave her 150mg tablet samples of NUVIGIL. She took one, and it was like she had just woken up from a 2 year sleep. Coincidentally, my dad went to his ALS specialist in Seattle who gave him...
  5. G

    Received news that brain MRI was normal

    I'm glad and still frustrated. Of course I still have the UAB appointment with the neuromuscular specialist Dec. 23rd and we are waiting on more bloodwork. I have a couple of questions for anyone: 1. Do doctors rule out the serious stuff first if there are a multitude of symptoms or do they...
  6. G

    my story

    well, I am not sure where to begin. I have had some minor things on and off for along time. Quickly-epstien barr virus at 20. That lasted for a year or so, there was no twitching, just tired and achey. Then 8 yrs ago mis-diagnoised with MS. I was having tingling and numbness, had MRI, came back...
  7. G

    Facial twitching and right-sided perceived weakness

    Corny...I know, but I have lurking around and reading for a couple of months now, and figured I should introduce myself. My journey started about 7 months ago with facial twitching and right-sided perceived weakness. I have had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia for about 20 years, so am thus an...
  8. G

    29years old, special doctor

    I too feel your pain. I am 29 years old and I know that there is something wrong. My husband asks why I just will not listen to the doctors, and says I am going overboard. I have made my own appointments as well. (2 neuros, 4 obgyns, 2 urologists, 1 gp, and now I am going to an an infectious...
  9. G

    Needing information

    I joined this group in October and have been reading your posts, almost daily, since then. This is my first post. Due to the fact that the medical community seems to have so few answers I find the antecdotal information on this site very helpful. This is my story: In the middle of August, 2006...