
  1. B


    Hi all I am new here and just wanted information on fibromyalgia as its not well known about here I have just had to give my job up as I was in a lot of pain and my job was very heavy and physically I could no longer continue to do it my doctor sent me to see a specialist who thinks I have this...
  2. B


    Hello all my name is Bev and I live in the UK I have just had tests done and the specialist says all my trigger points suggest I have fibromyalgia I have never heard of this so wanted more info on this condition so here I am on the board.
  3. S

    Fibro symptoms

    Hello I am new to this group and so happy I found it. I am currently on a waiting list to see a Fibromyalgia specialist, so I have not been diagnosed yet but several doctors think I have it, so I am going to share my situation with you and see what you all think. Sorry if this is long but it...
  4. J

    Hi everyone, new here.

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in July after several years of ruling out every other possibility under the sun. I do believe that my Mother also had this however in her day it was attributed to "old age aches and pains" and she suffered for years. It has been a very trying few years as I...
  5. S


    I went to my doc yesterday requesting some time off. I feel like I am extremely overwhelmed with work and life in general. I work full time and have 7 year old triplets and a 10 year old. I switched docs earlier this year since I felt my previous doc had tried everything she could do. So my...
  6. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  7. Trellum

    Shoes! Damn shoes!

    Sorry about that title, lol! It's just I feel so frustrated... Yesterday I went to buy new shoes for winter, a pair of really flirty and nice shoes, I thought I had found the right ones... I tried them on and everything was well. But after a while of walking in them I started to feel some...
  8. G

    how much does stress affect fibro

    Hi glad I found this site I have been lurking over the last week. I have been under a lot of stress lately and hurt tremendously, do they go hand in hand. I'm usually a very positive person and with a smile I can get through the day. That has changed lately to the point of maybe asking for...
  9. P

    The Am I Crazy stage?

    Hey, everyone I am hoping everyone is having a good night so far, its been a few weeks since I been online. But I had to come and ask the ? am I loosing my mind? my neck my body feels sore, I feel tired even if I sleep good. The last four days it hurts if I move to fast. I feel 80 year old...
  10. G

    looking for female fm doctor in calgary

    Hi all I am new to forums and have had this illness for several years and I have only been seeing a gp but I think it is time for a specialist . So if anyone could give me a reference I would be forever grateful:-P