
  1. S

    I thought I had a thyroid problem....

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, and proofreading it I see I've been a bit long winded. Even so I hope some of you will read it and feel a connection. I'm looking forward myself to delving into this site for fellowship and ideas and help dealing with this disease. I'm "SandySea" from...
  2. B

    Ear Issues with Fibro

    Hi, I have had Fibro for about 20 years. I woke up one morning and my ears were really ringing and I couldn't hear good. I was finally sent to an ENT who said there was water in my inner ear. The ENT put tubes in but they wouldn't stay so after 4 sets of tubes he inserted permanent tubes...
  3. B

    Just Joined

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Fibro from a Rheumatologist about 20 years ago. I was so bad at the time that every morning I woke up I felt like a truck had run over me. My Medical doctor was very understanding and did many tests to rule things out like Lupus, MS ect. They all came back clean so...
  4. F


    About me... I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 5 years ago by my GI doctor. My primary doctor at that time and several since told me that fibro was a catch all diagnosis and that my symptoms were all in my head. I've been bouncing from specialist to specialist since then undergoing endless...
  5. C

    Hello Everybody

    I guess I will start off saying that I am lactose intolerant, have IBS, have had my left ovary removed when I was 18, ganglion cycst removed from my left wrist, tonsils removed at age 25, hernia surgery in the exact spot that my ovary was removed, diagnosed with dry eye, have lipomas & have had...
  6. K

    What doctor diagnosed you

    I am wondering what doctor diagnosed you all? Was it a specialist? I am just looking to hear of people's experiences and compare to my own.
  7. D

    ARGH this sucks

    I am sorry but I really need to get this out and I know people here will understand. Since February of this year I found out I have fybromyalgia that comes with the lovely addition of chronic fatigue and ibs. I have always suffered from depression and anxiety and now it is worse. I also found...
  8. L

    waiting for diagnosis, lots of questions

    I'm currently waiting on a diagnosis. My doctor seems sure I have either fibro or CFS, but will not diagnose me cuz that's not her field of expertise, and she said its too easy to get a false negative if you're not an expert at putting the pieces together. So, now I wait for a referral, but its...
  9. L

    Is this Gabapentin side effect normal

    Hi! I'm in the process of being diagnosed, but I have not been to a specialist yet due to my lack of insurance. My doctor gave me info to help me get insurance so she can get me to a specialist (would this be a rheumatologist?) But has perscribed me some meds to help me feel better till then...
  10. Z

    new to forum pain is back

    I'm new here. Hoping to get some answers. I've had regular bouts of severe pain for years. Last year I looked up the fibro trigger points and BANG! That was me. Strugggled with depression for yrs to which no medication has alleviated ... only seems to make things worse, sometimes way worse and...