
  1. P

    Hi! From Canada!

    Hi everyone! I am 60 years old, was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in June of 2011, sent to a specialist who further diagnosed me with Fibro in Nov of that year. Prior to that my GP put me on Arthrotec, then Celebrex, sent me to a psychiatrist (pain specialist) & a neurologist, to no avail...
  2. S

    Fell so bad :( do i have fibro?

    Hi all, I dont know where to start really I have terrible back pain lower, and in my ribs on my right side they are so tender to touch they hurt really bad with just a gentle touch! Ive recently started gettin bad hip pain which has decided to , when I get up on a morning feel like when i walk...
  3. G

    Currently being looked at for MS, but friend suggested fibro

    Hi everyone, Well, for the past few months I've been on a roller coaster ride of crazy symptoms and have seen over half dozen doctors. Two of those (general practitioner/ family doctors) say clinically I present as having MS. I had a brain MRI that showed two small lesions, but that one...
  4. S

    Is this fibromyalgia or a misdiagnosis?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for reading this. I was recently diagnosed with fibro. It began 3 months ago when I started getting traveling pains in my arms, legs, hands, feet, and shoulders. Sometimes my wrists or ankles would burn. I would get a stabbing pain in my finger or toe. The pain feels...
  5. B

    Diagnosing Fibro?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I wanted to know if anyone on this forum can help me to confirm whether or not I actually suffer from fibromyalgia. I've been from to specialist to specialist with no luck. For almost five years I've had seasonal related joint and bone pain and it gets worse with...
  6. V

    Expertise in Fibromyalgia

    Hi. What field of expertise focuses on fibromyalgia? What type of medical specialist should we consult?
  7. G

    Am I being silly?!

    Hi folks. I have been experiencing various symptoms for a long time now and am one step away from a diagnosis of M.E. I have seen a neurologist, rheumatologist and M.E. specialist. Everyone seems to think I have M.E. I'm worried it could be something else, like ALS, and I wondered if you could...
  8. G

    breathing problem

    dear sir 11 month before i got TB infection and i successfully recovered after 9 month now i am feeling daily breathing problem i have fever right now i went to doctor and heart specialist he told me following things 1) blood pressure normal 2) xray normal 3) oxygen level normal but chest...
  9. G

    Diagnosed in Jan

    I have never posted on any forums before but have been reading this one for a month or so and have learned a lot I was just diagnosed Jan, after a year of testing and watching the progression of symptoms. Looking back symptoms may have started in 1995, when diagnosed with "tendenitis in a...
  10. G

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica

    Protomyxozoa Rheumatica is a parasite discovered by hemotologist, Dr Steven Fry. He believes the organism may cause numerous neurological diseases, including ALS. The following is Part I of the transcript of a recent interview with Steven Fry, MD. Please do not expect your physician or other...