
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Headache, tension

A headache caused by contracting of the muscles in the back of the neck, on the scalp, and sometimes in the jaw. Tension headaches are usually related to stress.

Group therapy

1) A type of psychiatric care in which several patients meet with one or more therapists at the same time.

Group A strep

A well-known strain (a type) of streptococcus (strep) bacteria that can cause strep throat and common skin problems such as impetigo as well as rheumatic fever.

Fibrous dysplasia, monostotic

Excessive growth in a single bone of hard-fibrous tissue that replaces the normal bone tissue. Symptoms of monostotic fibrous dysplasia may include pain and fracture of the bone.

Fibroma, desmoplastic

A rare type of primary bone tumor that is characteristically composed of well-differentiated cells that produce collagen.

Extrapyramidal side effects

Physical symptoms, including tremor, slurred speech, akathesia, dystonia, anxiety, distress, paranoia, and bradyphrenia, that are primarily associated with improper dosing of or unusual reactions to n

Tooth, wisdom

One of the large molars in the very back of the jaw.

Toenail, ingrown

A common disorder, particularly on the big (great) toe, in which the corner of the nail curves down into the skin due to mistrimming of the nail or due to shoes being too tight.


A painful, intense contraction of the intestine.
