
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Collagen disease

A disease that damages collagen or other components of connective tissue. For example, dermatomyositis and systemic lupus erythematosus are collagen diseases.

Cat scratch fever

An infection caused by the Bartonella henslae bacteria. Almost half of all domestic cats carry these bacteria and can transmit it to humans through a scratch or bite.

Casting, serial

The use of successive casts to reshape deformed or spastic limbs or contracted joints.


A brain steroid, a molecule structurally similar to cortisone, progesterone and the gonadal hormones. Neurosteroids play a role in controlling anxiety and depression.


Marijuana (Cannibis sativa), a drug derived from the family of plants that includes hemp. Cannabis can be smoked or eaten.


An abnormal deposit of calcium salts in body tissues. Examples include the calcifications in the skin from scleroderma and in the muscle from polymyositis.


A stimulant compound found naturally in coffee, tea, cocoa (chocolate), and kola nuts (cola) and added to soft drinks, foods, and medicines.
