Medical Marijuana - Any positive experience w Fibro Pain?

Thank you for all of your time/information and kind words. I have heard and agree with you on everything you stated, however, I can’t smoke. I don’t like the taste/smell, anything lol. Not even the edibles, lol. If it worked, I’d use them, but they don’t. I have asthma anyway. Ugh. Am allergic to many holistic things. Plants, herbs, echinacea (big time) amongst a few other things. I want my opiate meds back, but pain management clinics are now stating that they don’t write them out for fibromyalgia. I’m not drug seeking, I have tried Lyrica (gained 50 lbs. 🤬) I’ve tried Cymbalta and Gabapentin together for 2 years, Flexeril, NSAIDS,
want my opiate meds back, but pain management clinics are now stating that they don’t write them out for fibromyalgia
I whole heartedly understand! Here, in the United States, the CDC changed their recommendations in 2016. A huge impact hit the chronic pain community. In 2022 they revised their guidelines with a touch more "flexibility" with individualized medicine and risk analysis.
Not to mention, if you want to go on a road trip and need to drive through a state that mm is illegal (if you get pulled over). Also, taking a vacation in a state to visit relatives or whatever, and you can’t transport or purchase medical marijuana there. At this point you’re suffering in pain. How does a person enjoy their time away?!! At least with prescribed meds you can carry them.
I was on opiate medication for 10 years, but thought it would be worth a try to get my medical marijuana license. I spent close to $1,500+ (special doctor $250 plus the license cost plus products at dispensary) and after trying to figure out what would be the alternative for pain, sleep, and energy, etc. by speaking with “the professionals,” none of it worked. I had a VERY bad effect by eating 2/3 of a 10 mg. gummy bear. I started at 1/4 mg. and had no response so I nibbled off a bit more. When I let the dogs in and went to shut the door, I was seeing TERRIBLE tracer effects!!!! I was nauseous as well. Had to rest until hours later when it finally wore off.
Oh gosh , so sorry you had an experience like that. It’s taken about a year for me to get the right dose.
I started on .2 ml ( no THC) and had to use that for a week. Then over months of trialing doses till we found one that fit me. 1ml x 3 times a day now of the cannimed oil. I have only been on the .5 ml of THC about 5/6 months now. It’s helped alot considering how bad I was. Both physically and mentally.
Your dose seemed very high, did you work up to it over time?

As for people saying you can mix it with any other drugs, in my experience personally, I’d say NO!

My new gp didn’t want me to use my vallium anymore as she explained it can react with the MM oil and can cause a very low heart rate. Sometimes even spikes it very high.
I still have pack here and now am scared to use it.

When I tried a tincture and it wasn’t helpful with my fibromyalgia pain, I couldn’t stand it any longer so I took my opiate med (yes! Prescription) and I got violently ill. Nauseous, dizzy, off kilter….. hope this helps. I know many that say (contrary to its stigma to cure pain) that marijuana does NOT help with pain for many! I never smoked it though. Used gummies, tinctures, and vaped a few times and almost choked to death. They have oil in them; coats your lungs and BURNS 🥵!!!!!!

Oh you’re right there, no cure for pain, it’s here with us forever.
I have lived with low back pain since I was 21 and chronic pain since 2002. Then fibro jumps in on my life in 2010. Sometimes I can cope but a lot of the time I am like a chook with its head cut off 🥴.
I am a survivor of this chronic pain/fibro hell. I have done some nasty SH to myself to get through and I tell myself I Just got to get through today.
Hope your all ok
I worked up to the amount of mm, yes. Why not try pain management for pain medication? It takes waaaay too long to “figure out your dose/type, style of consumption, etc.” of medicinal marijuana. Plus it’s soooo expensive! I personally feel it’s easier to take a very low dose 5 mg. Oxycodone (or whatever your pain specialist allows for) and find instant relief for QUALITY OF LIFE. It may not work 100% for some, but it definitely “cuts the edge.” The stigma on it is ridiculous because of those who used it for all the wrong reasons!!! It ruined it for people like us that need it for survival. I didn’t go up in mg. at all in the 10 years. Yes, it help’s Fibromyalgia pain and my focus was tremendous!
I started slow and low
I started on .2 ml ( no THC)
I had a VERY bad effect by eating 2/3 of a 10 mg. gummy bear. I started at 1/4 mg. and had no response so I nibbled off a bit more
Possibly nibbling off more was the point of "know" return and patience with the 1/4 mg might have been successful or lead to decreasing too?
But two thirds of 10mg would be 7mg. Did you really start at 0.25mg or was it 1/4 of 10mg, i.e. 2.5mg?

I didn't have success with reducing high quality CBD oil to a single 2mg drop. Maybe I should have diluted and taken less, but I didn't like the effect at all, wasn't able to think for fog.

But I am successfully using "starting low and going as slow as necessary" for L D N and my blood pressure med. These were specks, doses far lower than "previously known to (medicine) man" ;) - a seventh of the lowest lowest L D N dose, similar for the BP. Now I'm at the normal lowest dose for both with only the odd side effects.
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Best way to start my day! A little too chilly for me this morning. This morning smoke is completely necessary to start today. I need to shower and go to the clinic to see the kidney doctor. My morning started with me in a 9/10 pain and muscle contractions all over. A little bit of smoke and some morning meditation has me down to a 7/10 and has my muscles starting to relax. It isn't always full relief, but it can take that sharp edge off to do what has to get done in the morning.

Hi All, I am new on here, but have had Fibro for about 3 years now. I take a daily 200MG Celebrex to manage the pain, which would make my life unmanageable without it. This morning at an urgent care for something else I saw a sign for medical marijuana and I wondered if that might help with my fibro pain and perhaps allow an alternative to the pharmaceutical I now rely on. Has anyone on here had any experience with medical marijuana and their fibro pain?

Thanks and I look forward to hearing your replies.
I have tried so many medications for fibromyagia pain and extreme muscle tightness. The doctors recommended medical marijuana. I thought this would help and it would give me relief, but it made me very paranoid. I would never take it again. Now that doesn't mean it will do that to you. I have heard others say it helps them.
I was on opiates for years with very little to no pain relief. Have tried Cymbalta, Flexeril, Zanaflex, Gabapentin, and a slew of other prescription drugs. When medical marijuana became legal in my state figured wth not? Nothing else works. MM doesn't really take the pain away for me but it makes it more of a background noise. Allowing me to relax and does help me sleep.

I have also discovered Kratom. The first time I used it I felt like a new person, zero pain! Unfortunately overdid the chores and when it wore off I was in worse shape lol. Have learned my lesson. There are different strains some that energize and some that are relaxing. It reacts in the body just like an opioid. I don't use it very often as there is very little to no research on it. However it is a godsend on those days when I have to travel, holiday get togethers, etc.
Hi MrBrett
I also use medical marijuana and CBD. My main source under that umbrella that I’ve found helpful are CBD balms and salves. For days when I’m having unbearable pain, I can rub those on and the pain does diminish. Depending on the day and pain level, sometimes it can take the pain in that spot all the way down to a 1 or 2.
Also since they’re CBD and in a balm/salve form, there is no risk of illegal interactions should one get pulled over while driving or something similar. And it doesn’t affect your mood either.
I hope this helps! Good luck on your journey.