Tramadol and fibro pain

the law has changed down here - Doctors cannot prescribe opiates for a patient unless that patient has cancer. That leaves those with serve pain with basically nothing to use. Some doctors do prescribe a product that has a common headache medicine and 15 g of codeine but you can only get two repeats meanwhile they have a policy of testing drugs for people going to Music festivals these are for example crystal Meth, mdma and Hallucinogens including others and if they are "safe" the person can take them and enter the music festival - meanwhile seniors in pain take aspro !!!!

I’m prescribed tramadol and fentanyl on repeat which are 2 very strong substances.doctors in Britain over prescribe tramadol too easily until you’re hooked and on the slippery slope.i was taking 8 tramadol a day.i was well and truly hooked on on 2 but it’s been hell.tramadol is a very evil med!​

both of these are schedule 8 class drugs down here - fentanyl is just starting to be seen in the illegal drug tabs at the music concerts ( drug testing is provided to the kids at music festivals) generally my doctors medical centre will not prescribe schd 8 drugs this is standard across most medical centres these shed 8 drugs can be prescribed for short term pain but not for long term pain
both of these are schedule 8 class drugs down here - fentanyl is just starting to be seen in the illegal drug tabs at the music concerts ( drug testing is provided to the kids at music festivals) generally my doctors medical centre will not prescribe schd 8 drugs this is standard across most medical centres these shed 8 drugs can be prescribed for short term pain but not for long term pain
This has been prescribed by a doctor.its for my chronic pain.fentanyl is a patch not illegal
is that illegal?I think America has gone crazy on fentanyl and opioids!you need to talk to your docs!
fentanyl is a patch not illegal
fentanyl is not illegal down here. it is illegal without script and the illegal drug industry down here is now using it in their mixes for tabs and injections so it starting to be seen at the drug testing stations at the music festivals It is 20 to 40 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine; so its a good candidate for the illegal trade - sadly as these drugs move into the illegal trade they become more restrictive to medical use
Tramadol helps me a little maybe takes it down a notch, After 35yrs of being in pain l find Amitriptyline helps me more than anything l have had before, it takes a couple of weeks to really start working, after that l have had some better night sleeps, my daughter has fibro as well stopped taking them and she noticed the difference straight away.