How are you today?

what law I am breaking when we go out in the car
Hehe, that bad? :D - Him that bad or you that bad? 😁 Or is you driving a car breaking the law in itself? :ROFLMAO:
aspergers but is class as autistic under the NDIS
As you say, the NDIS site says "Aspergers Syndrome is a previously used diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum." - but then goes on to use the term.
I always found it strange to sort of separate that from the spectrum, whilst HFA (high function autism) was left on it. But I spose the label will stick, cos just "spectrum" is so colourful as to appear colourless.
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Hehe, that bad? :D - Him that bad or you that bad? 😁 Or is you driving a car breaking the law in itself? :ROFLMAO:
in my day you just went to the police station picked up the sergeant and drove him to the post office to get the mail then drove him back then he wrote out the licence. in actual fact in the small rural town we were driving long before we were old enough to get a l;icence if I had to do the exam then I would most likely fail but in over 50 years of driving I have never had a ticket for breaking the law - NDIS is goin g to have some large changes under this government l due to the cost of it - I think Autism Spectrum. will have some major redefining under NDIS - the NDIS is good but the Country cannot afford it as the costs keep growing it is estimated to cost more then Medicare in 3 years time.
Hi just wanted some advice, been having some flaire ups last few days (stress related) I've got some things coming up that I might have to be a witness for (so it's kinda stressing me out) I'd like to go more natural things (I already take my gabapentin) but like I said it's the repercussions of what's gone on + possible future goings on, so any advice be great (herbs or anything )
So sorry your having some flares.
I hope someone can chime in quick for you.
When I get bad I try a hot bath, spa 🧖‍♀️ , heated pool and walk around in it.
Only thing I use other than meds is , I eat a shot glass full of pine nuts every day.
Add tumeric and ginger when cooking.
I eat lots of chia seeds .
Oh also 10,000 iu vit D once a week. I Was on 5 times that dose but stopped it as my levels are in normal range.
Touch wood 🪵 I am doing ok atm, my meds are cut right down. (I have been working hard to get down to minimal meds) now only taking 1x 50mg palexia morning and night. Also my cannimed oils (mm oil) the night dose is at .5 ml ( it’s got more THC in it) it’s helping me sleep more, even though the pain still wakes me I go back to sleep.
Praps not so much supps (e.g. a good magnesium, PQQ, CoQ10, quercetin, glutathione) as mental tricks, relaxation, e.g. NSDR, mindfulness, vagal nerve exercises, breathing/breath-holding exercises.
Mentally praps jotting down the things on your mind and so distancing from these thoughts (Mark Waldman), to put them aside better before sleep, do that in the evening for 5' of "worry time", add a note of your next step tomorrow morning (Andrew Huberman). In mindfulness: focusing on the here and now, which in itself distracts and frees us from the emotion-films of what seemingly was and what we worry might be: e.g. the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise, or a body scan incl. noticing symptoms, but not dwelling on or worrying about them.
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I've found that a 10 minute breathing exercise were you inhale and exhale for 5 seconds each helps to settle down. Although my mind may wander, after finishing the exercise it feels like things have slowed down mentally and physically. It's like a pitstop in the stress I find myself wanting to go back to. Great suggestions from Jay above that I'll be looking at. NSDR combined with vagal nerve stimulation is interesting, it sounds like it may help towards regulation of the nervous system.
I'm ok badger (thanks for asking) it's just there's situations going on right now that have been exaccerbating my fibro but it's ok (hopefully at the end of it there'll be a good outcome) 💜💚💜
Hi, I'm just curious, does anyone on here play guitar? It's just my neighbour said if I can play guitar I can play a harp (I like harps and I want to play one) he said they're hard to play (but I don't know how he knows, cos he doesn't play any instrument) 👌🏻 😎
I used to play the guitar many years ago, got as far as playing a bunch of songs with open chords but had to stop because of the discomfort in my hands and arms. The harp seems like it would not be difficult to play basic melodies as the open notes sound nice to begin with, but developing technique and advancing could take considerable time.