How are you today?

Auriel I hope that you're not too sore after the horsefly bite, I've seen from the bites a friend of mine had in the past that they can be cruel. Good news on the dentist Jay, perhaps after the filling your gums will not feel so uncomfortable.
I'm ok badger (thanks for asking) nasty looking things they are (the bites) itchy more than anything (I was a horsefly's breakfast) this is what these 🤬 do 20230614_220131.jpg
Ah I'm ok (I don't know why they wanna bite me? !) I woulda thought they'd prefer a meat eater (I'm sure they'd have more nutritious haemoglobin) jay's got the same issue (he's vegan! and they love him)
😄 🏸🦟
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Today I had my autism assessment, they told me they're pretty sure I do have it (I got a bit teary, I've no idea why?,) I didn't even get teary when they told me I'd had cancer! (Well not straight away) I guess it explains a lot with things over the years (both with me and about other people) ok I'm tired now it's been a long day (hope everyone's ok) one wave hello 👋🏻 + one wave for bye for now 👋🏻 ☺️
All the best for a decent nights sleep Auriel, it's interesting to hear of your autism assessment. Perhaps with such a wide spectrum it doesn't get picked up on until some people are adults. It seems like we've gone from a long winter into a stifling summer. Far too hot for me, my arm/hand nerve pain flairs up and hay fever is annoying. Apparently it's as warm as Cyprus here!

Listening to the like of Cannons and Electric Youth to try and raise spirits. Tools are great on Spotify with onscreen lyrics.
I'll have a listen badger, (no-one would have noticed my autism as a child anyway the family was dysfunctional), I don't like it too hot here either (there's not much breeze/air and my property is well insulated with no air con. If your hand/arm gets too annoying go and see someone (there might be something going on like carpel tunnel or something), ok good fibro days (and nights) and good sleeps wishes 🪄🌟😴
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The bands are well worth checking out, watching Drive (2011) got listening to electronic music. I've had nerve conduction tests and trapped nerve surgery on my right elbow years ago. The burning pain on top of my forearms began after lifting heavy things on my own sometime around 2008 I think. It can reach from elbow to fingers and flair with hot weather. Lyrica helps calm it down, but it still feels like shin splints.

Will there be any follow up after your assessment Auriel? a friend of mine has a young daughter with autism. They haven't had much help but are doing their best and manage to have fun together although it is tiring and stressful.
Yes badger follow up phone call then meeting in a few weeks, did a 200 question questionnaire a while ago then assessment (though some of the questionnaire questions were involved with it?) but I think she wanted to mostly analyse me (kinda thing) but she did say she's pretty sure I've got it (that nerve pain sounds uncomfortable) yeah different autistic people struggle with different things, your friends daughter should be under a team or something (should get some help) I'll have a listen to cannons (names familiar) and the other ones later when i come back 👍🏻
Badger. I found cannons (I thought my youtube had mixed things up with lady gaga when I saw a video 1st) what genre are they? Electric youth is quite pretty (though they did insist on trying to show me Debbie Gibson for a bit : ) when you say tools do you mean the band tool? (I know who they are) I can't find tools though) enya and clannad been in my ears since last night. I ♥️🎵
I guess Cannons may be a electric pop band, their playlist on Spotify has been great. Tool are an American progressive rock band with phenomenal musicians and intelligent philosophical lyrics. Lateralus may be their best album and song.