We do get a lot of crows, they raid the chicken pens and eat the eggs and young chicks. So I am not a fan.
We have a family of magpies That have nested here for years. Our silly cat will lay not far from her feed and watch the maggies finish it all off

Didn't realize crows do that. Jacks usually don't, some on pigeon/dove eggs. But they love spiders

. After seeing & helping how ours loved eating spiders I now involuntarily start drooling when I see a big fat spider, that's cured a certain fear of them

. Doesn't happen to me when I see any other animal...
Great spotted woodpeckers rob nests too, green ones don't.
Magpies are also said to rob nests, but actually hardly do, apparently, that's reconciled me with them.
Maybe your cat just enjoying the show is like me when I sniff at things like coffee, cake and meat

Cats playing with mice to me is worse than crows eating chicks.
But it's the law of nature. Yours sounds a pacifist by (tamed) nature?

I also don't like what many humans (esp. the men) often do to one another, even if they don't eat them....