G’day, new here

I'm happy for you now harpy, (I hope your son recovers soon too 🤞🏻) 😘
Thanks cookiebaker and Auriel, yes a little break from the relentless pain is great.
Having a lovely hot day today, 33 degrees. Looked like we were getting a late after Storm ⛈ but it has blown over.
Got everything sorted and ready for Christmas in the morning .
Hopefully it was be another nice hot day tomorrow so my kids and grandkids can all end up in the pool for a swim.
My son is in a lot of pain but he will be ok . Won’t be too long before it settles down for him.
Well for Christmas we have had these beautiful but very noisy yellow tail black cockatoos join us the last few days. My mom is loving it. 672035E6-B328-4F86-AEA5-6EEB7131285D.png
Never seen anything like that before (never seen black ones) forget crows in spooky films, black cocktatoos instead! 🥰
They are a very large cocky , beautiful up close. We get a lot of the normal white cockys and so many pink galahs. But the black ones are just beautiful. But they can trash a tree real quick 🤦🏻‍♀️
i have never seen a black one either... honestly, didnt even know they existed!
Thank you for sharing Harpy!
forget crows in spooky films, black cockatoos instead! 🥰
Jackdaws/jacks are my favourite birds, because having had an injured one for about a year I found they seem to have much more personality than others (dunno about cockatoos, parrots etc. tho, never had 'em).
But my wife altho a bird lover thought anything black is scary, like in Hitchcock's Birds, and it took quite a time of describing how lovely & sweet mine had been and de-coding all their chatter.
Now our "balcony magpie" is similar, just not tame, and we love him. Visits our food several hours a day now.
The birds was scary, I watched it when very young lol.
We do get a lot of crows, they raid the chicken pens and eat the eggs and young chicks. So I am not a fan.
We have a family of magpies That have nested here for years. Our silly cat will lay not far from her feed and watch the maggies finish it all off 🤦🏻‍♀️.
At present I have a few Bourke parrots. They are my favourite bird. A hand reared one is just the sweetest little things . It will snuggle under your chin and will sit for hours.
They are also good talkers if kept inside. 518E47DD-E142-4B90-9AA0-67FC3334B3BB.png 70988605-C5B7-43F3-9020-DBCFDA003DB3.png
They are only a small and not noisy , only have a soft chirp.
We do get a lot of crows, they raid the chicken pens and eat the eggs and young chicks. So I am not a fan.
We have a family of magpies That have nested here for years. Our silly cat will lay not far from her feed and watch the maggies finish it all off 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Didn't realize crows do that. Jacks usually don't, some on pigeon/dove eggs. But they love spiders 🕷️ . After seeing & helping how ours loved eating spiders I now involuntarily start drooling when I see a big fat spider, that's cured a certain fear of them 🤣. Doesn't happen to me when I see any other animal... 🧐
Great spotted woodpeckers rob nests too, green ones don't.
Magpies are also said to rob nests, but actually hardly do, apparently, that's reconciled me with them.
Maybe your cat just enjoying the show is like me when I sniff at things like coffee, cake and meat 😄
Cats playing with mice to me is worse than crows eating chicks.
But it's the law of nature. Yours sounds a pacifist by (tamed) nature? :D
I also don't like what many humans (esp. the men) often do to one another, even if they don't eat them.... 🧐
So Jay, these spiders you been fancying to eat, you gonna jump and grab? or do you have cooking options? also any condiments/side dishes/side salads?????? 😅
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Oh that’s funny 😄
I grow lots of bananas and they a full of huntsman spiders. 😖 I am not afraid of spiders but these sneaky little critters can jump right at you . Heck no . Hairy horrid things.
I often give my osteopath bunches of bananas , and I have to promise the banana bunch has been throughly washed out with a pressure hose. He has told me if he ever got bitten by a huntsman he would give up being and osteopath path and become a pest man to eradicate them all 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now if we going to talk fears !
I will put my hand up to be absolutely horrified of Christmas beetles, oh my , don’t let one near me 😖 no matter how much crippling pain I am in oh boy I can be in a different room at the sight of these. So big, too scary . Way worse than any spider.
Christmas beetles are a thing!? They only come out at Christmas? ( are they after pudding or something?) I'm learning sooo much this week (you can get black cockatoos, christmas beetles, jaycs has spider munching lusts) 😳🤣
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Oh they sure a a “thing” .
Only come out at night and if you leave lights on your in for it.
Their fish hook like claws hook into ya and ya can’t get em off 😱😳
Now don’t let the pretty shiny shells fool ya .