
  1. L

    Seeing a pain specialist next week and nervous. Anyone currently seeing one?

    I recently was referred to a narcotic pain specialist and got my appointment for next week. I am currently taking percocet for my pain and symptoms and it seems to be the only thing that gives me mild relief. I am feeling a bit anxious about this appointment, and wondering what to expect. I...
  2. L

    This is my struggle

    :? Hi I'm new to this support group Forum. Unfortunately not to Fybro:-(. As a teacher I struggled with Fybro for almost 5 years before I just couldn't do it any more. It was the constant pain at the end of the day; the stiffness of being in one position and having to get students help me...
  3. L

    Hello, I'm new to the forum.

    I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia within the last couple of years. Recently I've started researching and discovered that my first symptoms made a debut when I was in my 30's. I'm now 62. So much makes sense now. Saturday, I had my first eye related flare. More research and a general...
  4. P


    Hi, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2010 when I started having headaches every day. When the doctor told me my diagnosis I was hesitate to believe him, I thought he just didn't know what was wrong with me. I had never heard of fibromyalgia before. I took lyrica for about 6 months and it...
  5. A

    Hi from Australia

    Hi Everyone, My name is AJ. I am 31 yrs old mother of 3 from Australia. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue and Osteo Arthritus when I was 18. For the first four years I was real bad I even had to use a walker. Then I had my first born. My daughter. For the past 10...
  6. A

    Discovery After 20 Years of Suffering

    Hi. I am a 34-year-old FM patient from Japan. Unfortunately, FM is still not commonly known in Japan, and only a limited number of doctors can examine it. In this environment, my widespread muscle pains, dry eye, dry mouth, easy bruising, breathing problems, etc. had been a mystery for 20 years...
  7. A

    hesitant GP

    I have had the same GP for 8 years, and he's been hands down the best doc I've ever seen. In the past three years he's referred me to two different rheumatologists a year apart. They both said I had fm. I didn't like that one bit and stubbornly didn't follow up. Gotta love denial. I am now at a...
  8. M

    New and Awaiting Diagnosis

    Hello! I can't tell begin to tell you how happy I was to find this forum tonight. For quite some time now, I've been struggling with a wide (and seemingly disconnected and bizarre) set of symptoms that have baffled my doctor. Luckily, he may have been baffled, but he is not dismissive. I give...
  9. D

    New here and need advice PLEASE READ !

    Hi Everyone, My name is Debbie and I also have Fibromyalgia , Along with that I have other conditions including Epilisy, Tourette Sydrome , and others, I take a total of 32 pills per day. That is a cut down from 41 that i used to be on. Here is my problem currently September of this month my...
  10. K

    Is there any decent fibromyalgia docs in Ednonton Alberta Canada

    Hello everybody i went to a fibromyalgia specialist doctor today,well claims to be his doctor in training said looks like fibromyalgia i said yes symptoms are correct,He comes in looks at a old xray of my neck says you have arthrities quit smoking and lose weight. and left.i cant help you. i can...