
  1. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...
  2. H

    Hi all

    Hello fibromyalgia people, I'm really struggling with this disease I have been fighting it for 20 years now. I've tried to beat it with exercise and nutrition but its been extremely hard. I saw a specialist 20 yrs ago for reumatoid arthritis and was told it was fibromyalgia since then it has...
  3. L

    Looking to talk to anyone who is currently on pain medication (oxycodone or percocet)

    Hi everyone, I am currently on oxycodone 10 mg tabs. I take 15 mg every six hours and sometimes 20 mg. I have been on them for awhile now. about 7 months. I was switched from Percocet to oxycodone, the doctor said it was less harmful on the organs because oxycodone does not have the Tylenol in...
  4. P

    New from Arizona

    Hi. My name is Linda and I'm 55. I used to be an employed engineer until this chronic pain condition killed my career a few years ago. I haven't been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I strongly suspect that's what the rheumatologist will say I when I see him next week. It took me...
  5. S

    prayers please

    Hi everybody. I've been dealing with FM for 15 yrs now. Not under control(although, after reading the posts here I don't think FM is ever really under control). Have not found good doctor and finances have been tight all these years. Anyway, you guys understand how I must be feeling. Add to...
  6. P

    It's All In My Head

    My Dr refuses to do anything. She says the pain I am in is a result of my depression and anxiety and that the pain should go away once the depression and anxiety are under control. She refuses to accept the fact that my depression and anxiety are worse because of the pain, and are not actually...
  7. F

    Looking for a Rheumy in Ajax, Pickering area

    hi there, i have been diagnosed with fibro for over a year now and that too after many years of pain and suffering. I had a rheumy who diagnosed me with it but has let go of me by passing me on to a psychiatrist and my GP. My GP is pretty good and helpful but he thinks that i should be seeing a...
  8. F

    Looking For a Rheumy

    Hi everyone, My name is Monika and I was Dx with Fibro in 2013, although I am pretty sure i have had it for 15 yrs now. It was nice to give name to my condition as I was going nuts with not having an answer. Sadly, the rheumy hat Dx me has let me go and passed me on to a psychiatrist and my...
  9. A

    Question about Rheumatologist

    Hi, Three years ago I went to a Rheumatologist and after reviewing a questionaire I had to fill out and not really examining me at all, she told me I had Fibromyalgia and charged me $300. for the visit. I did not believe her at the time as my then symptoms did not really seem to fit the...
  10. I

    hi my life

    Bad start or post sorry butt o well I'm tired of the Internet forums and all that Why come then I have no life or net friends my wife works 8 hours and I'm bored And I want to vent talk help be heard all I get is lies safe place no judgment trust us all that Lying BS Sorry for the...