
  1. R

    Fibro/CFS and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

    After viewing a half a dozen posts, I came to realize something extremely important. 1) people rely on our un-educated doctors too much 2) people are hoping for miracle drug that cures all 3) no one mentioned food intolerances/sensitivity 4) elimination diet were hardly mentioned 5) if I ever...
  2. M

    How do I properly get tested/diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

    Hello, I am new here and have a few questions. I have suspected for a while that fibromyalgia might be my problem. I always had a pain problem, since I was a little girl. All the doctors my mother brought me to see says it was due to my weight. I was a heavy child, tipping the scale at...
  3. D

    Powerless and In Pain

    I am 32 years old and for the past 4 years now have been to over 22 doctors and specialist. I have changed my Primary Care Physician over 6 times. I have been to Ortho docs, Spine Specialists, Neurologists, Physical Therapists, Mental Health Professionals, Chiropractors, Urologists, Dieticians...
  4. P

    Not diagnosed....

    Hi, I haven't been diagnosed with this but I am suffering from a number of the symptoms. Background Sorry to be bothering you but my Doctor, Specialist and Physiotherapist are showing no interest in my condition and symptoms. 6 weeks ago I had a rotator cuff repair that included platelet...
  5. G

    Autoimmune something or other... maybe

    Hi, About a year ago my Rheumatologist said that I most likely have Fibromyalgia, and I'm OK with that, sort of. For as long as I can remember I have had symptoms that fall into the FMS list. I'm a 66y/o male and my memory is affected by something, so forgive my historical references, they are...
  6. K

    Hi Everybody!

    It's nice to meet you all:) I have had Fibromyalgia for at least 4 years and it is wearing me down to the bone. I have seen specialist after specialist and no one seems to be able to help with the physical and mental challenges that this medical condition entails. In the past 4 years, I have...
  7. Trellum

    Very worried and tired

    Hi guys! Time to vent again or else I might explode! This year I have to get a lot check ups done, been having throat ache for a bit and need to get that checked. I have the nasty habit of looking up symptoms online: bad idea! I always end up getting nervious when I do that, but I end up...
  8. M

    Hello there!

    Hi everyone. My name is Lorraine Marie. I'm 22 and from PR. I was diagnosed when I was a teen. At first my doctor suspected arthritis. My first pediatric specialist said it was all in my mind because I didn't fit the criteria for arthritis. I had to see a psychologist that said I was fine. My...
  9. M

    doctor appt today

    Hi everyone. Im new to this site. I have a question. I have my monthly dr appt with my pain specialist today. He had me on methocarbmol for a muscle relaxor. This did not work for me. It gave me hot flashes in which I already have hot flashes. And I felt no relieve. Could anyone recommend a good...
  10. M

    New here, need advice

    Hi all! I am new to this forum. I am in kind of a rut right now and could really use some advice. Here's my situation: I had to leave my great job a few months ago due to extreme pain. It was compromising my quality of life and starting to compromise my work performance My savings I thought...