
  1. C

    I don't trust my diagnosis

    Rheumatologist says I have Fibro. i don't trust the diagnosis until I can have an MRI on my back (which no dr will give me a referral for!) I have severe arthritis in my TMJ's and displaced discs on both sides. My jaw and muscles feel 'crunchy' gritty and are very noisy. My spine is the same...
  2. idlehour


    Just saying hi! My name is Megan and im 27 and was just diagnosed with fibro. i have a few other diagnosis as well mostly mental health but also dystonia (altho i havnt been to a specialist for it yet so i dont kno to much about what type i have i just do alot of research and am intune with my...
  3. idlehour

    Finaly a confirmation

    I have been suspecting fibro for the past 7 months but my regular doctor was brushing me off. i finaly saw a specialist and was diagnosed 2 days ago. He started me on 10mg of Flexiril a day and reccomended some light exorcise. i would like to get into some sort of water activitiy but its hard...
  4. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed 2 days ago

    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago. It feels unreal, but in a way... A relief. Doctors have brushed it off as me over exerting myself, picking up my son too much and all kinds of other stuff. I finally after a year of trying to find out what was wrong with me; I started...
  5. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago

    Hello to you all! I will start of be introducing myself. My name is Nikki. I'm a mother of a 18 month old little boy and engaged to a hard working man. I am originally from Nashville, Tennessee (born and raised) and 2 years ago moved to Elizabethtown , Ky. I have yet to make any friends while...
  6. T

    Hello. Mid-thirties with fibro

    Hey everyone, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tom. I'm in my mid-thirties. I have been struggling for about four years with what I have since determined to be fibromyalgia. For me this manifests itself in pain throughout my back and neck, and also as tiredness and a lack of energy. It...
  7. J

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    My story begins about seven months ago. I woke up one morning with horrible dizziness, nausea, and headaches. I visited my PCP who initially thought I was having migraines and that this pain would go away. The pain didn't go away and so when I returned, he ordered a CT scan of my brain which...
  8. Trellum

    Do you run to the doctor whenever new symptoms appear?

    Hi guys! I just wanted to know if I'm the only one who feels like running to the doctor as soon as possible whenever I notice a new symptom (ie: a new ache). Recently I developed a very sore neck, I had suffered from that in the past, but not often. I'm just waiting to see the doc to tell him...
  9. T

    Has anyone tried LDN

    My pain specialist has recommended low dose naltrexone (LDN). In high doses (50mg+) it is used to treat addicts, but in low doses (3-4 mg) taken once at night it has been said to significantly help the pain, energy levels and mood caused by fibro and some other diseases. It's very cheap...
  10. T

    New Here

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Fibro/CFS in Sept 2002 after a viral infection that lasted 3 months. I also found out I have had a genetic immune deficiency since birth. I am being treated by a pain specialist for chronic pain and a doctor who specializes in Fibro/CFS. Despite having good doctors...