
  1. P

    Memory loss

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their memory? In the last few weeks, I have had several episodes. Once I was driving home and completely forgot where I lived, I had to sit in my car for about 10 minutes then it came to me. I got an email from an eye doctor thanking me...
  2. L

    Feeling bad about feeling ill and trying to explain it to family

    Hi everyone, I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. I find myself feeling bad for feeling so crappy all the time and don't even want to share it with my husband anymore. Feelings of guilt overwhelm me, because I feel like I am bringing everyone around me down due to my condition. I try to...
  3. A

    Could it be Fibromyalgia?

    Hey all, this post may get long and I apologize. I am a 28/f who has just graduated nursing school. A couple of months ago I decided to cut down on the Wellbutrin I was taking due the anxiety and irritability it was causing. I started experiencing generalized numbness and twitching mostly in my...
  4. K

    Losing my mind,my man,my family, my job etc

    Basically I am losing my entire world that I have spent 27 years creating. Where to start? well first off my family thinks im crazy, my brother does not believe my condition ONE bit and the times I have tried to "educate" him, he makes jokes which is extremely hurtful. My mom is supermom so she...
  5. L

    On disability and looking for advice/support :(

    Hi everyone...this is my second post on a similar subject but wasn't sure if I should continue with the same thread or start a new one... I was approved for disability about 2 months ago, and have been off work from my fibro/CFS for the past 8 months. It took me a very long time to make the...
  6. S


    Hello New Friends. I am new to this forum. I am living with FM and CFS. I was diagnosed in 2008, but actually started having the beginning symptoms during the latter part of my pregnancy in 1998. I noticed that I could not tolerate certain people. I was angry and upset for no reason. My...
  7. A

    Hello, everyone

    It is wonderful to find this corner of the world wide web. I have been feeling alone for quite some time. I am in the process of being diagnosed with FM and am quite scared of the changes that have taken place over the last few years of this journey. In any case, I look forward to my time with...
  8. L

    Im at my wits end

    I am struggling lately. After spending 5 months on disability leave due to a failed hand surgery I went back to work at the end of September. I was very happy, making good money and finally felt like I had a purpose. The job was very stressful and I wasnt happy but I did my best because I...
  9. L

    New member, new story

    Hello! I am a new member although I signed up a long time ago I finally decided to post after some recent crappy events. I decided to share my story with you all in hopes of finding someone who can relate, which I am pretty sure most of you can. But anyway, I apologize for the length of it in...
  10. S

    getting scared

    It has been almost 2 months of this. Pain everywhere. Today it is in my left knee when I walk. This is new. Brain fog is bad. My neck pain is so bad. My stomach aches. I am so fatigued. Just feeling out of sorts so bad. I am getting freaked out! I have no energy. I am depressed. Already on all...