
  1. M

    Feeling helpless dr after dr tells me there is nothing wrong.

    I have been suffering from chronic tiredness, muscle aches, brain fog and recently, due to the ongoing nature of my health, depression. I had Glandular fever about 5 years ago. which is the closest understanding of what I am feeling now however my 6 months of glandular fever is nothing compared...
  2. F

    Please help this scared future caregiver!

    Moderators: I apologize for the repost. With 230 views and no replies, I think my old post was just too long. Please feel free to delete it. Hello. Please help me. I need your help. Please forgive the long post, but know that I am grateful for your time. My girlfriend of three years was...
  3. F

    Caregiver needs your input

    Hello. I feel a little strange writing this post, as I know I’m not the only one who reads forums about fibro. Still, I really need your help. This post is long, and very personal. My questions are at the end. My girlfriend of three years was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia/chronic...
  4. M

    Mouth problems, please help!

    Hi there! I am new to the group and I was just recently diagnosed with fibro though I have been feeling the effects of it for quite some time. I have been looking at a lot of the forums on here for awhile too and have found a lot of great info and see a lot of support:smile: My question is does...
  5. S

    Can't cope anymore, I need help

    Hi everyone, my name is Season and I'm new here. This is the first time I've ever been on a forum so not quite sure how it all works. I'm a 35 year old woman who has had FMS / CFS since I was 18. I just can't cope anymore. My entire life has been hell and with FMS / CFS these illnesses have...
  6. NikkiNash

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 days ago

    Hello to you all! I will start of be introducing myself. My name is Nikki. I'm a mother of a 18 month old little boy and engaged to a hard working man. I am originally from Nashville, Tennessee (born and raised) and 2 years ago moved to Elizabethtown , Ky. I have yet to make any friends while...
  7. S

    scared to death of being scared to death

    I have been going through something weird lately. I don't know why, but I am scared to death of everything. I am afraid to walk outside. Sometimes I am scared to death when in a car. I worry about every little thing that can go wrong. I feel like it is the beginning of something big. It seems to...
  8. Trellum

    Scared about Ebola in the US

    Hi guys! As many of you might or might not know I'm a Texan, I'm currently residing in El paso, Texas. If you have been watching or reading the new online... you might be well aware that Ebola has already made it here. Yup, an liberian man in Dallas was the first diagnosed case of Ebola in...
  9. flightybird

    Cymbalta not working after a year?

    I've been taking Cymbalta for over a year now for my fibro. I started off for about a month on 30mg, and then was bumped up to 60mg, and have been taking that since sometime mid-April of last year. At first (and for quite a while) it made a massive impact on my quality of life. It no longer...
  10. W

    What to do

    Hi my name is Tiffany. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia back in January of this year 2014. It all start with a slip and fall on ice. I have been off work since. I have also been fighting with my long term disability work insurance since May. I have lost my phone, credit cards savings and about...