
  1. H

    Fibro & Anesthesia/Surgery?

    Hello to everyone, although I'm new to this forum I've lived with Fibro & related symptoms for a very long time. Initially diagnosed with Lupus due to ANA in bloods and aches and pains etc, decided to change Rheummy as I seemed to be on huge amount of serious meds and not feeling any better, but...
  2. M

    For Those Unable to Work: How Do You Spend Your Time?

    I am really getting close to not being able to work. I am scared . Of course it will make a great financial impact on our family . But I am also scared about how I will spend my time. I realize the reason for not being able to work is to look after my health. I would think my days would include...
  3. V

    Scared to find out...

    Hello everyone. I am scared that I might have fibromylagia. My mom has this and she says she has it mildly. She doesn't sleep well and seems crabby and irritable a lot. I do not want to be that way. I know when I don't sleep well I says things I regret all the time. I have been having...
  4. V


    I wanted to say hi. My mom suffers form fibromyalgia. I am scared that I have it too. I am only 30 years old. Hello and hoping to find some comfort here on this forum.
  5. B

    Diagnosed last week and in slight denial

    Last week a rheumatologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia/chronic pain. I should share that I was diagnosed as hypothyroid 4 years ago. And I'm overweight. I've blamed many of my problems on my weight, even as my dosage for my hypothyroidism has increased. Over the last two + years, many...
  6. M

    Go get a job! Not as easy as it sounds.

    I've been under a lot of pressure to get a job. My current financial situation is hard. I live with my partner and he has a low paying full time job. When I was in school my parents supported me but I've been out of school for a year now and work on photography/graphic design/ retouching is hard...
  7. M

    How fibromyalgia affected me

    Hi everyone. So this is my story. My symptoms started when I was 15. About 2 years later I was diagnosed. How it has affected me the most has been in school. In highschool I had pretty understanding teachers. My English teacher even excused me being late for a month so I could take physical...
  8. T

    Have an interview for a much less stressful job but can I do it?

    I am home from work again. Today it's a colitis flare-up, fatigue and headache. I had put in my name on a job that sounded like it would be kind of fun and would be at a new agency. I think I'm ready to leave. Some other circumstances have made it very painful for me to work there. I am a...
  9. J

    A scare

    Can a scare of any kind heighten Fibromyalgia symptoms? I recently was scared by some news that has left me more than a little apprehensive. I feel sobbish and I can't seem to put the thought out of my mind, and that alone makes me feel like sobbing, unless, the scare that was was put into me...
  10. J

    New Member trying to get a grip

    Hi All.. I'm 52 years old with a 20 yr history of drug - resistant depression. I even went thru a round of electro convulsive treatments. Over the last 2 years I've also been dealing with some other issues. I had a hernia repair and then dealt with months of recurrent zero mas (fluid build...