
  1. L

    Does anyone else feel overwhelmed and hopeless from this pain?!

    Hi everyone, I am really having a difficult week, and just needed to talk to people that can understand and relate tonight. Today I feel like I just can't take this anymore. The pain in my head (chronic headaches) and the pain in my joints and hips is so unbearable, among so many other...
  2. L

    Need Support - Invalidating Doctor.

    First of all, sorry for the length of this. So I had an appointment for my fibromyalgia. I've been told I have it but was getting some more tests ran. I've never seen this doctor before. She was nice at first (and remained 'nice' throughout the appointment). I say 'nice' because some of the...
  3. S

    New and nervous

    I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. My doctor and I are still trying to figure out what works best for me. I am currently on short term disability so that I can spend the time in therapy trying to increase my endurance and muscle strength so I can work a full day again. I am scared we will...
  4. L

    Anxious when my works inquires about my recovery date....Anyone else ?

    Hi guys, I am on long term disability right now, but my human resource department at work also does follow ups with me on a monthly basis. Does anyone else deal with this or suffer from anxiety as a result? I find it so stressful to be asked about my expected return to work date, or if I have...
  5. L

    Rheumatologist sending me to Psychiatrist - Anyone else had the same I am nervous

    My rheumatologist, who diagnosed me with fibro and CFS in May of 2014 has referred me to a psychiatrist. This referral was sent back in May and I am seeing this Psych tomorrow. I am very nervous about this and wonder if anyone else has had this experience. I know that she is sending me as I...
  6. E

    Tender Muscles abnd Shooting Pain

    I know there is a trigger point on the inside sides of your knees. For the past couple days, the whole length of the inside of my thigh has gotten increasingly more painful. I can't press on my skin, or pull my jeans up over them without it feeling like a horribly sore bruise.. Except with no...
  7. S

    living with fibro and staring a family

    Hello I'm new to this forum, I've been on a few fibro support groups, and unfortuantly the only discussions or sharing was people taking about medication. Anytime I reached out about other issues, quality of life, trying to see if I'm not along... Nothing. The main reason I've been reaching out...
  8. H

    New to the group and frustrated

    Hi Im new today to the group and I have a situation I need some advice on. Hopefully someone can help. Well i was diagnosed with Fibro and RA in 2001. I have had pain for a least that long and my RA doc has prescribed me pain meds for at least 10 years. Well I had to have a total knee...
  9. C

    I feel really guilty right now

    I have never allowed myself to call in sick from work because of fibro/cfs. No matter how awful I felt, I always dragged myself into the office unless I definitely had a "real" virus (like the puking kind or the kind that showed up on a thermometer). But yesterday I just couldn't do it. I...
  10. Z

    Newbie introduction

    Hello everyone! My name is Paula Zachary. I am 39yrs old a wife for 21 yrs and a mother of 2. I was just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on the 20th of January. I have had the symptoms since I was 15. I am glad to finally be diagnosed. I was told by one doctor that I was just depressed...