
  1. Forgetmenot


    yes I no its not fibro ,and u would think owning a chillie rosa hair tranatula I'd love spiders right ? Wrong,here in the UK we have giant house spiders that are the fastest spider on earth. As told by the GBR.and every year we cut the corn and these black buggers come out to night when...
  2. L

    Medical Malpractice question regarding pain medication- Help!

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a very upsetting incident that occurred this week with my doctor. I was prescribed oxycodone about a year ago for my chronic pain, migraines and Fibro. I was told by my GP and other specialists that this was the best solution at the time, as no other...
  3. L

    Disability "independant Medical review" - Has anyone been through this really anxious

    Disability "independant Medical review" - Has anyone been through this really anxious Hi everyone, I have been on disability for about 7 months now. I currently have a neurologist, rheumatologist, GP and a pain specialist that are working with me. I was diagnosed last may, but have been...
  4. J

    Can't find relief

    Hello, my name is Justin and im a 22 year old who's been dealing with chronic pain for the last 3 years. I woke up with a headache and back pain that never went away. I have extreme pain in between my shoulder blades, neck, and i get terrible headaches. I've had every test done under the sun...
  5. L


    I was given Gabapentin 100mgs once at night to start. can increase to 300mgs once a night. My Psych NP is hoping it will help me not only with pain/sleep but with anxiety too. I take lorazepam for the anxiety 1.25mgs a day separated in 3 doses. I am wondering what if any effect this drug will...
  6. M

    family problem

    I'm dealing with my husband having to do more than he is used to, and my children getting use use to their mother becoming different. I'm scared that they aren't going to be able to handle this.
  7. S

    New & Confused...need some advice

    A year ago my dr said he thought I had fibromyalgia ...I didn't believe him - I just didn't have the symptoms. (I had a left hip replacement and a right knee replacement) I went to him a week ago and told him I was a mess. I told him I was SO depressed - the antidepressants I was on aren't...
  8. M

    today's journey

    I think I may need to go off Cymbalta, I have More depression, more like a feeling of doom and gloom. Forgetfulness is crazy. I can tell my youngest is scared for me, I'm having a hard go of not saying how I'm feeling to him, he listens well, I feel like someone just threw me out of a building...
  9. M

    Help! Brain matter

    My brain matters, I have a huge hurdle next month, and I'm scared. It involves travel. Please pray. I can't back out. My mind is point of problems this week. I only worked 6 hrs this week, brain is exhausted Please pray for me. Thanks. Returning to bed.
  10. R

    Doctor diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome

    Hi everyone! I have recently been diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome. It took me a long time to get any doctor to diagnose me with anything at all. I have been suffering from tmj disorder, a sleep disorder and chronic neck and back tension along with a slew of other random symptoms. I also...