
  1. S

    Hi, I am new

    Hi. I am so happy to find this site as I really feel that us "fibros" need to stick together as most people do not understand what we go through. I have had this disease since my early teens and I am now 58 years old. I got diagnosed last month. Although I was told three times previously by...
  2. M

    Hi All-New to the forum

    Hi All- Many thanks to those who created and now manage this website along with the many folks who contribute their histories, ideas and suggestions. I am a 59 year old male and have had chronic low back pain for many years. An L4-L5 fusion in 2011 successfully treated severe radiculopathy...
  3. C

    67 and still researching for fibro help

    Hi all, Not sure when I did first come down with it, but think it was in my early 20's. (I am now 67 years young) Remember a time when I would have waves of pain go thru my body and lasted for couple of months. Wondering if I had some weird virus that caused the fibro. After that I started...
  4. C

    New to forum - Hi to all.

    Hi, I am glad to have run across this forum and hope to get some help from it and hopefully also be able to give some help to others thru what I have gone thru. I am 67 years old and have lived with this, believe it or not, since my early 20s. Took years and years to find out I have fibro as...
  5. P

    Newly diagnosed..a little overwhelmed

    I am in my 30's, married with one fur baby...a kitty. I work as a orderly at a psychiatric hospital. I am also an artist; I studied photography but I also draw, paint and write poetry. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year. I have been experiencing symptoms since I was in my early 20's, as...
  6. B


    Hi my name is Ben. I am thirty two years old. I just found out a few months ago that i have fibromyalgia. Here's a little bit about my back ground and how i found out i have it. I met my wife back in 2011. We we're married on May 5th 2012. About a month after we got married my wife had a bi...
  7. C

    Diagnosed at 21 symptoms from age 8

    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have struggled with this most of my life. I am only 21 years old and pain for me started at 8. I was diagnosed with Lupus, JRA, Celiac, Enthasitis, Costochondritis and Ehlers Danlos before coming to the correct diagnosis. The reason being for my...
  8. L

    This is my struggle

    :? Hi I'm new to this support group Forum. Unfortunately not to Fybro:-(. As a teacher I struggled with Fybro for almost 5 years before I just couldn't do it any more. It was the constant pain at the end of the day; the stiffness of being in one position and having to get students help me...
  9. F

    I just feel like it's something else...

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 7 months ago when I went into the rheumatologist complaining of weakness and soreness in my arms and shoulders. My doctor did run blood tests which came back normal, and he did do a trigger point test...which were only slightly uncomfortable in the spots that he...
  10. B

    Newly diagnosed

    Hello, I've joined this site as I'm having a difficult time at the moment and don't know what to do next. I was diagnosed in October after struggling for nearly 5 years and a doctor finally listening to me! Even though it was such a fight to get diagnosed and start getting treatment, I'm now...