
  1. trayne91

    Here we go again...

    So, I moved and now i had to see new doctors all over, again. I did print my health summaries and brought my test results. I gave doctors my worst systems. The last 2 weeks I had been severely lightheaded so that I could not stand up or barley walk. Got dizzy with it, too. Seems to be...
  2. H

    Should I get a Second Opinion?

    Hello. I hope you're all staying strong today. This is my first post here, because I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia just last Tuesday. I'm a little lost because I know I don't want to have Fibro, but I'm also not sure if I trust my doctor. Some background: I suffered a shoulder/trapezius...
  3. D

    New to forum

    Hello all. My name is Debbie and I have had fibro since my early 20's, was diagnosed at 30 and have had it for 30 years. I quickly realized, way back when, that there was a big stigma associated with it, so I stopped telling doctors, or anyone I even had it. I just dealt with it. I worked for...
  4. F

    I Feel Like I'm Losing It

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in my teens going in as a Freshman in High School. I was not supported by the school and it was an uphill battle my entire High School career. I'm now a Junior in College and have been accepted into the schools Nursing Program. The past couple of years have been...
  5. D

    What's the Future Look Like?

    I'm 57 I've had odd pains off and on for a few years - mostly lower back, hips, etc. I blamed it on getting old or arthritis, but when I began having pain in my collarbones, arms, neck, wrists and hands, in fact nearly everywhere from my hips up, I knew something wasn't right. I also began...
  6. F

    I'm new here

    Hi everyone. For the past couple of years I have been in a lot of pain. It started as peripheral neuropathy in my feet and hands. I also have plantar fibromas in my feet. Walking is painful and I can't be on my feet much. I had a stressful job that I eventually quit due to pain. My plan...
  7. E

    social security disability

    Hi there - I am new to this site and have been out of work since March 2013. My disability benefits ended last year so have no income now. I applied for social security disability and after jumping thru all the hoops and waiting for months I just got turned down. I want to re-apply and have...
  8. J

    Nearly Everyone is Magnesium Deficient

    This is from a VERY interesting important article on mag deficiency: Personally I take upwards of 1000mg Mag Citrate, Malate, Glycinate separate and often mix them them. Split up doses which gets me about 1000mg per day. If one deals with LOOSE bowels, take less or to bowel tolerance...
  9. M

    I'm going to post how one day on a good day fibro goes for me.

    Let's see its nearly noon I took my Cymbalta and other Meds. I'm not sharing to personal because I have discovered there are more readers than there are posters, and to be honest that creeps me out. So if my live fibro friends want to post to me privately. I'd be glad to help. So, why are...
  10. S

    New new Dont know what to do

    Hi everyone. I'm new here, I'm from the UK. I've not been diagnosed, just in the early processes. I'm 30 and if what the docs suggest is right, I've suffered the symptoms of fibro for nearly 20 years. I believe there is a juvenile version of the condition? Always told it was growing pains...