
  1. Lellobeetle

    Hydrocodone/Vicodin now Schedule 2 Status

    ARGH! :evil: FYI - As of October 6, 2014... What a major pain in the @$$. No more just refilling my vicodin script over the phone. Doctor can NOT even call the pharmacy for you. You have to have an appointment and receive a written script - and EACH filling of the drug has to have it's very...
  2. T

    Is this a flare?

    Hi everyone, First time posting here... I was diagnosed with Fibro about 2 years ago. Long history with both IBS and migraines, diagnosed with IBS when I was 12 and migraines when I was 16. I've had fatigue off and on for many years also. If I look at a list of typical Fibro symptoms there...
  3. J

    Report on my first visit with pain doc

    :grin: So I was so nervous about visiting the pain doctor as I was used to my primary care doc of 27 years handling my prescriptions for pain. The visit with the doctor went just fine...he was very caring and interested in addressing my concerns. Bottom line is that I can no longer take the...
  4. Forgetmenot


    hello all .im new to this site but not to fibro, I'm 42 next week 😫 lol mum of 3 teens and a two year old. Had this illness years but didn't no a name till a few years ago. Stress is a big facter in my fibro, I can only say this as for nearly two months it went away to the point I was nearly...
  5. O

    I'm new to this forum. I'm a kiwi (NZer) living in Australia.

    Hi all, I was diagnosed with fibro a couple of years ago. But after describing my symptoms to my Rheumy we decided that I've probably had this for about 20 years. I've always had pain in my shoulders and lower back. The 'don't touch it' pain that makes you want to cry just getting dressed. I...
  6. Justmesuzi

    Feeling like death sucking through a life saver

    Diagnosed in 2001 with chronic fatigue, 2007 with Fibromyalgia, sciatica, scoliosis, arthritis, degenerated disc disease, degenerated nerve and bone disease. This is the first time I have ever posted on a support group however I have visited and read many over these long years. I am just...
  7. Melissast

    The Spoon Theory

    I was wondering if any of you have ever heard this story. I told my friends about it and now they seem to understand a little bit better that there is a limited amount of things that I can do every day. "The Spoon Theory My best friend and I were in the diner, talking. As usual, it was very...
  8. B

    Do you experience this?

    I was diagnosed at the beginning of August and placed on a low dose antidepressant. After about a month, I could tell it was helping. I'm a teacher and now school is in full swing. I'm making lifestyle changes as recommended by my doctor and still taking the meds. I don't feel nearly as...
  9. M

    Fibro, Ana, menopause ?

    I am just trying to figure out what the heck is going on with my body. I was originally diagnosed with fibro about 6 months a go, but then after blood work came back Dr said I could have lupus or Sjorgens. I have a high positive Ana and a high SS b ;he did a lot of other blood work and...
  10. P

    Feeling too tired

    I am not 40 yet, but close and I don't think I have fibromyalgia, but the fact is I get extremely tired every single time I exercise and unless I take some sort of supplements in the next days I have a lot of muscle pains. Can these be some early symptoms or is this totally unrelated?