
  1. R

    Just diagnosed, losing it

    I was diagnosed with fibro a week ago. This after fighting and firing doctors over the past 3 and a half years. The fourth doctor finally listened, and sent me to a neuro and a rheum, and since everything else was ruled out, and I have nearly all the apparently existing pressure points, fibro...
  2. S


    Hello New Friends. I am new to this forum. I am living with FM and CFS. I was diagnosed in 2008, but actually started having the beginning symptoms during the latter part of my pregnancy in 1998. I noticed that I could not tolerate certain people. I was angry and upset for no reason. My...
  3. J

    My Story: Was diagnosed today

    For as long as I can remember, pain has been part of my life. Maybe not as a young kid but as early as 18 years old I remember a 6 month episode of headaches and dizziness that no doctor (I saw about 9 or more), could explain. I was tested for things that I didn’t knew but I know they screened...
  4. T

    Keep your fingers crossed

    Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me. I am supposed to hear by the end of this week whether or not I will receive SSD. I have been praying really hard on this since I have had no income since early May and things are getting tight since my husband retired to help take care of me.
  5. C

    Constant fibromyalgia pain n a doc who won't help!

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in early 2004 when I was 18. I am now 29 n have been dealing with chronic pain with little help from doctors. I feel like every single doc I've tried acts more concerned about addiction then they do about the fact that I'm in moderate to severe pain CONSTANTLY...
  6. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  7. M

    Feeling helpless dr after dr tells me there is nothing wrong.

    I have been suffering from chronic tiredness, muscle aches, brain fog and recently, due to the ongoing nature of my health, depression. I had Glandular fever about 5 years ago. which is the closest understanding of what I am feeling now however my 6 months of glandular fever is nothing compared...
  8. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  9. L


    Welcome to winter! We just experienced a tremendous early nor'easter here in Maine. Fourteen inches of wet heavy snow and gale force winds. Trees down, power out for three days, cold and miserable. I am aching and exhausted from shoveling and lugging water and firewood, but ya gotta do what ya...
  10. S


    hi my name is Mary and I've been living with fibromyalgia since my early twentieswhich is 40 years give or take look forward to some support and to give some