
  1. M

    New to the Site

    Hello, My name is Mehgan and I have had Fibro for about 5 years now. I was diagnosed when I was 17 and it truly had an impact on me. I went from being a straight A student to struggling to keep up with my studies do to the pain and brain fog. I am currently a full time student and after what...
  2. M

    New to Forum from Dartmouth MA

    Hello everyone. I am new to your forum. I hope to contribute as well as receive much needed support from this forum. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia way back in the early 80's. AT the time this term was not well known, in fact, even in the medical community many doctors used this term as a...
  3. H

    First time visit

    Hi, This is my first time doing this and I hope it gives my family and friends a break from me. When I was diagnosed (about 4 years ago) I really didn't believe I had it. The only thing I knew about it was the commercials on TV for the drugs. I had a gall bladder attack and the doctors did...
  4. D

    hello from Hershey pa

    I feel so alone with my fibro .... my doctor cut my meds in half I hurt so bad I can't even get up to feed my birds... I hate this disease I cry all the time I was doing great on my meds and an ex friend stole them so I had to tell my doctor because I was out wayyyy early ... I guess he thought...
  5. L

    My world turned upside down

    If I don't vent, I'm going to explode. After years of supporting my husband and ensuring I had medical insurance coverage for him, caring for him,sending him to specialists, assisting with disability, etc.....he has decided that he needs to move on with his life because it's too hard living...
  6. N

    Get upset a lot, fibro related?

    I find my self getting upset a lot. Over the littlest things sometimes. Could it be fibro related? I was diagnosed nearly 2 years ago, and i find that I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. People are sympathetic but they don't really get it. Any advice would be great. Thanks
  7. W

    Waited 3 months for Rheum Spec. and now even more confused

    My primary care doctor has been trying to help me with my pain for nearly two years. We both decided it was time to bring a specialist in to find out what is going on. My PCP suspects arthritis and fibromyalgia. I went yesterday for my rheumatology appointment where the specialist spent less...
  8. PJsleepy

    Yet another newbie here...

    Hi, I'm 43 and from the UK... I am married with five little dogs... I have many hobbies, sadly a cold winter has stopped me creating in my art room for some months now, I am guessing you all understand why! HA I was diagnosed with FMS and ME in 1997 and had been ill for years befor that, mine...
  9. R

    Hi, new to the group, member from afar!

    Hi everyone, I've just joined this group. I'm an American who used to live in Sydney, now based in Bangkok as of early 2014. I decided to go into business for myself as a child protection/safeguarding consultant working with non-profit agencies and international schools helping them develop...
  10. U

    Early Morning Waking!

    I have diagnosed myself with fibromyalgia , from researching my symptoms over the past 5 years . I tick all off the boxes of symptoms listed and have experienced them all at various degrees. I tend to read that most sufferers complain of joint and muscle pain, although I experience that to a...