
  1. J

    I've always wondered the same about the FM diagnosed

    I was going to an endo for over 10 yrs trying to get THYROID supported, I believed it was sluggish but doc always said " you are fine"....then one endo I saw, touched around the thyroid and then pressed other points and said your thyroid is fine, but you have FM. I had never heard the word...
  2. J

    FM diagnosed in 1999, but OA all my life (76 now)

    Anyone else here challenged with OA as well. At this point I believe OA is all worse with aging and a mess from hip replacement. I joined today, but not new to an FM/CFS support group.
  3. H

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello, I am new to the group, having been diagnosed by my GP in February 2015 with Fibromyalgia. I started having pain in the back of my right knee one day, and then it mysteriously disappeared two days later, but that same day, my fingers were sore. The next week continued with sore wrists...
  4. P

    Newly diagnosed and feeling afraid and alone

    Hello, my name is Lilith Moon. I was diagnosed a week ago, although I've had symptoms for months. I was passed from doctor to doctor all saying they believed it was fibromyalgia but no one helped me or have me medication until I could barley move, walk, or stand. I was asked what it feels like...
  5. R

    Newly diagnosed....now what?

    Hi everyone! I was just diagnosed with FM in the past few weeks, after two months of torture going from specialist to specialist for tests. I have been taking Elavil since January, and while it is helping with my anxiety and headaches, it's not really doing much for the aches, pains, trouble...
  6. B

    Recently Diagnosed

    A few months after Breast cancer surgery my hands would hurt, I had a hard time opening and closing them, especially in the morning. This all started aim February 14. It's gotten worse since then. My oncologist ruled out other disorders and then told me that I have fibromyalgia. My previous...
  7. S

    Fibro worse after diagnosed?

    My husband was diagnosed with fibromyalgia several months ago. He was working back then and in pain and had depression and anxiety problems. However, when the dr diagnosed him he seemed to overnight get much worse. I don't really understand what happened if it was just a release and he felt like...
  8. C

    Diagnosed at 21 symptoms from age 8

    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have struggled with this most of my life. I am only 21 years old and pain for me started at 8. I was diagnosed with Lupus, JRA, Celiac, Enthasitis, Costochondritis and Ehlers Danlos before coming to the correct diagnosis. The reason being for my...
  9. A

    Newly diagnosed

    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I currently am working full time as a hairstylist. Im finding it hard to work, keep a social life, and be happy/excited about the holidays and seeing family. Its hard being in pain 24/7 and doing these things... Any advice?
  10. B

    Newly diagnosed

    Hello, I've joined this site as I'm having a difficult time at the moment and don't know what to do next. I was diagnosed in October after struggling for nearly 5 years and a doctor finally listening to me! Even though it was such a fight to get diagnosed and start getting treatment, I'm now...